Welcome Back! (Some Homework tasks)

Hi everyone! Happy New Year!

Hope you have had an amazing and restful break over the past two weeks.

As it is our first week back, we will have just a few homework activities to do this week, ease you back n to full homework for next week!

Can you try some of the tasks below?

  • Make some New Years resolutions for this year. What are you going to try and stop? What are you going to try and do more of? See if you can make a resolution that you can keep to for the full year.
  • Can you make some personal/academic goals for this term? Is there anything you would like to get better at? Is there something you need to try to do more of/ less of to be more successful in school? What do you think would help you to make better progress? Think about strategies that will help you hit these goals.
  • Write a recount of some of the things you did over the holidays.
  • Can you make some new year wishes for your family, your school and the world?
  • You can also continue with Sumdog and personal reading for enjoyment of books/Kindle.

Here’s to a great new year with lots of exciting things ahead!

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