Our Learning this week…..

Here are some examples of the great work we have been doing this week….

We started reading our new class novel, The Spiderwick Chronicles.

Here are Jalal and Ahmed using their Literature Circle jobs to learn about the new book.

Hussain has been working hard with Ms Alexander to read a new book.

Bashayer and Sadeem worked really hard with Mrs Sheridan.

We started our PATHS work this week. We have been learning to work as part of a team and each have roles we need to follow to help it work.

We have also been learning about how important it is to follow the Golden Rule; treat others as you would like to be treated.

The people who have had the opportunity to be Pupil of the day have been enjoying it so far and have been learning to give and receive compliments… Even to themselves!

We started our new topic which is all about the Civil Rights Movement in America. It has been very interesting so far. P4/5 can’t believe that people used to be segregated just because of the colour of their skin!

First, we looked some scenarios. The pupils had to say how they would feel if they were treated differently for various reasons.

These included not getting into University because of where you lived, only girls getting nice, new toilets, only Primary 7s being allowed to sit in specific seats on the bus and having to go to the back of the queue to buy something because someone “more important” was there.

We also got to look at some pictures from the 50s and 60s.

They showed things like posters which said only White people could sit in a waiting room, different drinking fountains for “Whites” and “Coloureds”, different seats on buses for white people and black people, and a picture of the notorious Klu Klux Klan (KKK).

P4/5 were horrified by some of the things they used to do to people who they thought were not as good as them because of their colour, race or religion.

Pupils notated the pictures with their feelings, thought and questions they had about what was happening.

The thing that has shocked P4/5 the most is the fact that some of this hatred is still around today.

Hopefully, the more they learn, the more they can educate people around them about the importance of love and respect for each other.


Keep up the good work P4/5!

5 thoughts on “Our Learning this week…..”

  1. Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomrs McNamee

  2. This week I enjoyed doing popcorn. It was so much fun because Miss MacNamee said a odd or even number.If it is an even number you have to stand up and if it is an odd number you have to sit down.

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