Some of our great learning….

We have all been working very hard this week!

Here are some examples of great work from the boys and girls of P4/5….

Farah has been working extra hard on her writing and her times table. Well Done Farah!

The boys trying new ways to help them remember their times tables. Looks like they are having fun!

Great Hula Hooping Bilal and Hussain!

Sadeem has also been working hard on his writing. Great effort!

We listened to a song by ABBA called “Mama Mia” and wrote down all of the things we could hear including instruments, voices and style of the music.

P4/5 have been learning to take notes to help them remember information. Here they are taking notes on their new class novel, The Worst Witch. Look at that concentration!

Great week guys! Keep it up 🙂

10 thoughts on “Some of our great learning….”

  1. I enjoyed doing mental maths because it was tricky.Another thing that I enjoyed was PE because it was so much fun and it keeps your body healthy.

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