Dojo Prize

What a lovely start to the long weekend!

We got to enjoy our dojo prize of a cinema afternoon today.

We  voted to watch The Greatest Showman and got snuggled up with blankets, beanbags and pillows.

We even got to have some popcorn and nachos!

Have a great long weekend everyone! Make sure you get lots of rest before coming back on Tuesday ready to continue our hard work!!!

P.S. An extra thank you to Farah and her Mummy for bringing in extra nachos for the class! Also to Hasan for bringing in extra DVDs for us to choose from.

International Education Excellence Award Ceremony by Ahmed & Jalal

On Thursday, we are going to attend a very special  ceremony with Mrs Sheridan.

We have been invited to the International Education Excellence Award because of the work we did when we were in Primary 4.

We were talking to children from a school in Italy.

We got to learn about their school an we got in touch with them for a term.

They emailed us to share information about their lives with us and we emailed them back.

They sent us pictures of them, their classroom and their school, and we did the same.

We learned that their school is on a mountain in Rome. and they were around the same age as us, 7-8.

We taught then about our neighbourhoods  and we  told them about our culture.

One of our friends from Primary 4 was from Italy and he even taught us some Italian words that we could use to send to them.

We also got to learn about many different areas of Italy to help show our new friends what we had learned about the country they lived in.

Golden Time!

P4/5 had a wonderful Golden Time this week… and there wasn’t a piece of technology in sight!

They had great fun playing with board games, construction materials, bubbles and some toys.

They worked together to read the instructions to understand how they played the games and not a single sole complained of being bored!

Some even learned how to play skill and strategy games like chess and draughts. Miss McNamee is great at Draughts so she cant wait for the next game. Let’s see if anyone can beat her!


Some of the girls had earned so many Dojo points that they wanted to have lunch with Miss McNamee as a reward.

At lunch, they made mini pizzas from scratch! These looked incredible.

They also had a little dessert of strawberries, ice cream and mini brownies. The girls did a great job of cutting up the strawberries themselves. Although they didn’t leave any for Miss McNamee!

We had some great fun and great chat. Roll on the next lunch!

Some of our great learning….

We have all been working very hard this week!

Here are some examples of great work from the boys and girls of P4/5….

Farah has been working extra hard on her writing and her times table. Well Done Farah!

The boys trying new ways to help them remember their times tables. Looks like they are having fun!

Great Hula Hooping Bilal and Hussain!

Sadeem has also been working hard on his writing. Great effort!

We listened to a song by ABBA called “Mama Mia” and wrote down all of the things we could hear including instruments, voices and style of the music.

P4/5 have been learning to take notes to help them remember information. Here they are taking notes on their new class novel, The Worst Witch. Look at that concentration!

Great week guys! Keep it up 🙂