Our Weekly Evaluation….

Primary 4/5 have been learning a lot this week. Here are some of their thoughts about what they have been doing:

Fatimah: We presented solo talks to our classmates.

Jalal: We played Rounders during one of our PE slots. It helped us to work as a team.

Danial: We learned how to use oil pastels. We also learned about Georgia O’Keefe. She was an artist and we are learning to create art like her.

Idris: At the end of last week, we got to make our own Empire biscuits. It was fantastic.

Sadeem: We were learning to look at flowers in detail so we could draw them close up.

Ahmed: We have started learning new skill in Mental Maths.

Eshal: We had Cricle time where we shared our feelings with each other. It made us feel much better!



4 thoughts on “Our Weekly Evaluation….”

  1. I liked it when we did the flowers
    and we also learned how to use oil pastels.
    I i liked it when we did the solo talk to our whole class.

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