Our Week

This week P2/3 have been working very hard on our learning.


I have been learning my six times table (Qasim)

I have been learning my four times table (Zoya)

I have been learning how to count up in twos (Ishal)

We have been learning to double and half (Adil)

We have been learning to round to 10 (Emaan)


We have been learning about reading comprehension (Zainab)

We have been practicing our tricky words (Sadia)

We we’re learning how to upgrade our sentences to make them more exciting (Faisal)

We were looking at inferencing questions (Zaid)


We have been learning about Scotland (Safi)

We have been looking at places on a Scottish map (Ali)

We were learning about famous landmarks in Glasgow (Hasnain)

We have been learning about Robert Burns and his poems (Raghad)

Our Week

I learned about the points on a compass (Ishal)

I learned that everyone has feelings in PATHS (Qasim)

I have been learning my 2, 3 and 4 times tables (Zaid)

I have been learning how to use the greater than and less than symbols (Eesa)

We were learning to answer questions about different texts (Hasnain)

I have been learning about nouns, adjectives and verbs (Zainab)

We have been learning about where Scotland is on different maps (Raabia)

I have been practicing to count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s (Ishal)

Term 2 ‘The Eagle has Landed’ Project

Primary 2/3 had a busy term two.

For our project we learned all about the Moon Landing and created a stop motion movie showing Neil Armstrong landing on the moon.

I learned how to use a stop motion app to make a movie. (Arzan)

I learned how to choose and use materials to make a set for a movie. (Eesa)

We set up the room together to show our project to others. (Adil)