Welcome back P1B!

Welcome back P1B!

Since returning to school we have P1B have loved sharing their stories about what they did in the holidays with the class. This was fantastic for helping us to practise our speaking and listening skills and for practising how to re-tell events in order using time vocabulary such as “first, next, then, before, after, finally”.

In Numeracy we have been starting to learn all about money. We have been leaning to recognise the coins and talk about their similarities and differences. We decided to open a shop in the class to help us learn more about money through play.  We practiced writing our numbers by making lots of price stickers to stick on all the items in the shop. We are looking forward to understanding more about the value of different coins and how much we need to buy our favourite toys and healthy foods!

Since the beginning or term we have already learnt 4 new sounds! Oa (as in goat, boat, oak, and oats), ie (as in pie, lie, tie), ee (as in bee, see, need) and or (as in fork, torch, sort).  We made porridge using oats and praticed the ‘oa’ sound by writing it in our porridge recipe. We came up with some funny sentences and had a go at writing them. The bee who needed a wee was our favourite and made us all laugh!

We are really enjoying our new reading books and we love reading and learning more about the characters Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy. We have been learning about sentence structure by practicing putting mixed up words in the right order, remembering our capital letters, our finger spaces and our full stops!

It might be chilly outside but just like Elsa, the cold doesn’t both us anyway! This week we have been outside in our Forest School sessions building dens! We are really getting the hang of putting on our own waterproof suits and wellies, as long as we are suited and booted, we’re ready for anything!

We learnt how to build different types of Dens using different structures. We practiced tying knots and gave our fine motor muscles a work out by pegging and clipping the den together. Making a den requires lots of Team Work. We helped each other to stretch out the tarpaulin, peg it down and use the mallet safely to secure the peg into the ground. We told magical stories in the dens and wrote secret messages to each other on our top secret notepads!

Another busy start to the term for P1B!

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