Zara Malik tells all about Lockerbie:

Good morning/Good afternoon all,

As most of you know, we went on a trip to Lockerbie Manor. We went on Friday 24th March 2017. It was a fabulous trip! On the way to Lockerbie, Amna had sweets in her bag and some fell out. Mr Stewart looked at us really suspiciously, LOL!

When we got there, they were not ready for us so we played on the grass and walked about. Finally we got to our rooms and we had to swap room because there were 8 beds and 5 girls and 7 boys.

We had our first activity which was low ropes and I was pretty nervous but when you did it, it was so scary and it got you thinking (a lot!).

Then we had our second session; climbing. I was so terrified and frightened. I said to Amna, “I’m never going to do this ever again in my life, like ever!”

Like you would think “Oh my God, I’m going to fall!” and things like that.

I shared a room with Shubbe, Amna, Salwa and Nashra (Please note, Nashra is a sleep talker!!).

My trip to Lockerbie Manor was amazing. I had such a good experience and a really fun time. My favourite activity was kayaking because it was so much funner that you would expect and it made me feel soooo happy because of all of the good memories! I hated climbing because it was so annoying with tight harnesses and erghhhh…

The dead thing about kayaking was the dead, dull, smelly water. It smelt like dead frogs. So weird, right!?

If I had the opportunity to go back to Lockerbie Manor, I would go because I have never laughed so much in my life, crying at some points!

Thank you for reading about my Lockerbie Manor adventure!!

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