Information for Parents about Next term (Term 4 2022)

Dear Parents,


A few things for you to know about in advance, for next term:


P1-7 Cloakrooms

All children will be keeping their belongings in a cloakroom from 18th April onwards. For P3 and P4, this will mean a change to the door they come in and out of. P3 will use the same door that P1 and P1/2 currently use (the one by the main entrance) and P4 will use the same door that P5 currently use. Click here to view a map to show the doors all pupils will use. Your child’s teacher will go over this with them this week. There is no change for Nursery yet.


P1-7 Shoes

Please continue to send your child to school in a pair of shoes that are suitable for all day wear including outdoor play and PE. They should also bring a pair of shoes for indoor PE, with their PE kit. We are going to get everyone used to the cloakroom routine before we starting having them changing shoes each time them come in. We are getting new carpets in the summer so this will start in August. There is no change to shoes for nursery.


Drop Off/Pick Up – Parents on School property

I have not yet had confirmation from Fife Council that we can invite a greater number of parents onto school property so, at this point, I need to continue to ask that only Nursery, P1 and 2 parents come into the grounds. I am hopeful that this will ease into next term and I will communicate this to you when the change can happen. But for 18th April, please assume this mitigation is still in place – I won’t contact you in the holidays with a change, only once term has begun.


Face Coverings/Social Distancing on School Property

For 18th April, please assume these mitigations are still in place.  My understanding is that once the legal requirement for face coverings in public places is removed, there will remain contexts (including schools) where the guidance will be that face coverings still be worn. I am expecting, therefore, to need to advise you to keep wearing a face covering on school property (including at drop off and pick up) and I will continue to ask you to maintain distance from those not in your household. But I will share changes to this advice when I get them.


P1-7 Theme: Being an Artist

All primary classes will be working on this theme in the first weeks of term, learning about an artist and their work. We will be preparing displays of work to share. We are hopeful that we may be able to invite parents into school to tour the building and see the displays but if not we will share them virtually. We are awaiting guidance about this and will share further details early next term.



We are hopeful that things will ease next term so that we can invite you inside. This will likely lead to changes for drop off and pick up which we will share with you as soon as we can but please assume things will stay as they are on 18th April.


Ukraine Fundraising

We are going to hold a fundraiser for Ukrainian refugees next term. Details will follow but I am letting you know about this now because I know many of you might want to discuss this with your child before it is discussed in school. Our discussions will be about how we can help those who have needed to leave their homes, we won’t focus on warfare or the political situation in any depth.


Sports Day

Will go ahead next term and we expect to be inviting parents to attend – we will set and share a date for this early in the term to give you good notice.


I am going to post these details on the school website for reference. I am sending them today so that there is time for you to come to me with any questions before term ends on Friday. I will be in touch with updates on or soon after 18th April.


I wish all our families a happy holiday, when it comes, and would like to extend a sincere thank you to you all for your support of the school and understanding during the Covid period. While guidance and mitigations remain in place, I am very hopeful that things will ease next term and I look forward to being able to meet many of you and get to know your family a bit better.


Kind regards

Lucy Jess