Weekly Information – 20th September 2024

Taybridgehead Foodbank Collection

Ahead of our Harvest Service on Friday  4th October we will once again this year be collecting donations for the Taybridgehead Foodbank. The food bank is seeking donations of “food, toiletries and any other consumables that would help with making life that bit better for someone.  We do ask that they be of a good standard as well as having a ‘use by’ date that permits us to distribute them.”

Donations can be left/gathered at the school office.

Halloween Parties – Save the Date!

Parent Council are planning to run the Halloween Parties on Wednesday 30th October:

6pm-7pm: Nursery and P1-3

7.15-8.15pm: P4-7

There will be a collection on the door to cover costs – suggested donation £2 per child.

There will dancing and a costume parade. We are hoping to provide a tuckshop as well but at this point we are light on helpers.

In the last two years we have had tattoos, games and a quiet colouring area as well. We would like to do those activities again this year but at this point there are not enough helpers.

If you are able to Volunteer on the night, please contact wormitparent@gmail.com to let them know your availability.


Parent Council Meeting – Save the Date

I really enjoyed meeting with the four members of the parent council last night. We discussed the Halloween disco and I showed them out new sensory room and discussed the school improvement plans moving forward.

We are felt it would be helpful if I shared some information about Parent Council with you.

Parent Council is run by parents for the families of the school. It has a variety of roles:

  • Fundraising
  • Organising events
  • Discussing policies and the life and work of the school
  • Discussing matters of interest to a group of parents
  • Formal involvement in inspections and appointing a headteacher

There are three layers to Parent Council:

  • The elected members – chair, vice chair (or two joint chairs), treasurer and secretary.
  • Ordinary members – people who are member of the council, come to as many meetings as possible, help plan meetings and events
  • The Parent Forum – all parents/carers with a child at Wormit Primary school and nursery – if you have a child at our school you are already, therefore, a member of the parent forum. You can come to meetings, join in with events, ask for items to be put on the agenda and speak at meetings.

We currently have four parents actively involved with parent council but we really need more to spread the work load. I know there are two more parents eager to join and I am looking forward to seeing them at a meeting. I would be great to have more people still!

Parent Council meetings are not my meetings, they belong to the parents. I attend when invited and I share information at the request of the chair. They are informal and usually quite a nice evening! It is a great way to meet other parents and get more involved with school and make your voice heard. If there is something you feel could be better about our school – Parent Council is a good forum for this to be discussed. You can contact the group at wormitparent@gmail.com with any items you would like placed on the agenda and to volunteer to get involved.

The next meeting will be on 14th November at 6pm in the school.

Lucy Jess (Headteacher)

Please notify the school office as soon as you are aware your child will be absent or if you know will they absent so we can ensure registers are accurate.
Dental Inspection
The date for the dental inspection for P1/P7 parents has been changed and will now take place on 23rd October (previously 21st).

Flu Vaccine

A reminder that flu vaccines will be taking place in school on Monday 30th September

Rag Bag Collection

There will be a Rag Bag Collection taking place on 25/09/2024. Please Bring Bags into school the day before the collection date. Thank you