Weekly Information – 9th June 2023

Message from Active School

Dear Parent/Carer,

I am delighted to say that for the first time the Madras College cluster are running a cluster running event for all pupils Primary 1 to 7. This event is set to take place at Newport Primary School on the 20th June from 15:50 to 16:45. This event will consist of 3 races , P1-2, P3-4 and P5-7 and it would be great to see pupils from every school in our cluster at this event.

If this is something that your child would be interested in attending please fill out the below registration form no later that Monday 19th June.


Please note that pupils are to make their own way to and from the event and should be supervised throughout by an adult – there may not be staff from your school at the event and if there are, they will be there to organise not to specifically supervise – this is a community event.

If you have any questions please do just get in touch with me

Thank you,

Madison Garland

Active School Coordinator



Newport Festival – Message from the Rio

Dear Parent/ Carer,

The Rio Centre is organising a RagTag Parade on Saturday 24th June as part of Newport Festival celebrations. Betty from the Rio has been in to tell all the pupils about this event and the challenge of creating a costume or outfit to wear in the parade.

Anything goes, it’s all about reusing and recycling! Wear a favourite costume or create a new one. The pupils are invited to come into the thrift shop, now located in the Rio Centre and select 10 items for £1. They can use these to make their own creation.

The parade will be led by local piper ‘Joe’ and will start in the Rio at noon. It will progress down the High St and the lower road, before returning back along the upper road to the Rio. There will be prizes, creativity and lots of noise! We look forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes,

Newport Festival Team & Betty at the Rio


Visitors at Assembly

Betty from the Rio joined us at assembly today to explain the Bag Tag parade on 24th June.

Last week – Pauline from the Library came in to tell us about the summer reading challenge – this is great and FREE(!) event running in the summer holidays. It is a super way to keep your child’s interest in reading high during the holidays – you can visit any Fife Library to get involved.

The week before that, Lesley from Wormit Boat Club visited to tell the children about the club and gather some ideas from them on how the club can be developed.

It is lovely to be widening our community links in this way.



Attendance/Know Your Number

As you will know, we have placed a big focus on monitoring attendance this session to ensure best attendance and engagement for all pupils as part of Covid Recovery. I have used ‘Know Your Number’ to monitor attendance for all Primary children and to share their attendance rate with their parents. The average attendance across the whole school is now 95.5% which is above the National Average and is an improvement on last year’s rate of 92.3%.


Moving forward, I will no longer be using ‘Know Your Number’ for all primary children, only those whose attendance rate on their report is below 95% and therefore falls into the satisfactory or cause for concern categories. If your child’s attendance is just below 95% it will be recorded as satisfactory but I will not continue to use ‘Know Your Number’. There will be a note on yoru child’s report to let you know if I will continue to use ‘Know Your Number’ for them next year.


As we get towards the summer holidays, it is tempting to think that attendance is less important but we encourage all children to ‘Attend to the End’. The last few weeks of term may look different but there are lots of important events which support their transition into the next year of learning and which build team and a sense of belonging. Click here for a message from Fife Council: https://sway.office.com/CVMxE7TzCOeaWWEG?ref=Link&loc=play


Dates Reminder

Tuesday 13th June – Parent Council AGM at 6.30pm in the school – all welcome

Wednesday 14th June – P4 on an Outdoor Learning Day

Thursday 15th June – P5 parents invited in for the Game Design Exhibition. The classroom will be open to visitors between 1.45pm and 3.00pm. Please arrive at the main office during this open classroom time and you will be able to head upstairs to visit the class.

Monday 19th June in the morning – Nursery Sports

Thursday 22nd June – 1.30 – P1-7 Sports

Spectators at welcome at both sets of Sports

Friday 30th June – 9.30: End of Year Service at Wormit Church – all P7s will attend with their teacher. Nursery parents are welcome to take their child along and drop them back at Nursery afterwards. All parents and family members are welcome to attend – please use the pews at the back of the church.

Friday 30th June is the last day of term.