Weekly Information – 25th August 2023

General Permissions and Data Check Forms

Thank you to everyone who has returned their forms. If you haven’t yet, please do so ASAP – it means we know your wishes for your child and can be sure we have up to date details.


Assembly Today

At assembly today we discussed the wellbeing indicators (Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included) and related them to our school values.


Polite Reminder

Please don’t bring dogs onto school grounds or tie them up unattended at the gate. Dogs can easily get overwhelmed when there are lots of people around and I don’t want any pet put in a position of stress. Thank you for your support.


Flass Road

Thank you to all parents who have contacted me following my email about the near miss on Flass Road this week. I have shared my concerns about Flass Road with the community police team and Fife Council’s school travel plan coordinator.