All posts by Mrs Haig


As part of our Rights Respecting Schools work, we are introducing a Friday afternoon club option. This is an opportunity for us to form new relationships based on our interests. 
As of next Friday, 12th May all learners will have the option of taking part in an activity of their choice across the school. Initially we will be offering either Outside, or Massage activities in Room 7. Within these 2 locations are a number of further choices of familiar activities. Staff may also offer Sensory Room or the Hairdressers if an activity is too busy. 
We would like to open our doors to all of you every Friday to join us for this session. This is a relaxed and friendly way to introduce families to being in school more often. All learners will be prepared for visitors, and if you have replied to say you are able to attend a session, your young person will be prepared to see you. You may want to make your visit brief and build up the time based on the needs of your young person. The important thing for us is that you don’t come at the end of the day and take your young person home. We don’t want them to think every time they see you in school, they are going home. So, if you plan to visit, please come early and head away. Sessions will start at 1:45pm. 
As the weeks go on, we can tailor the visits to what you would like to see your learner share. Perhaps using technology, communication core boards etc. These visits will culminate in our School Prom on the 21st of June 2023. 
This is an exciting new initiative! You are welcome to bring family members, siblings, grandparents, aunties etc. 
Please let your class teacher know via SeeSaw next Friday morning if you plan to attend. We hope to see you all soon! 

PAMIS Fife 2023 Spring Programme

Friday, 31st: 12-12.30pm Wake Up Shake Up with Judy and 2nd anniversary Disco at 7pm ‘All request Friday’.  Please send us your favourite song for Keith to play on the night.

Fife 2023 Spring Programme (attached)

Next week our Pony Axe S rides are fully booked.  I will emailPAMIS Fife 2023 Spring Programme tomorrow all those who have booked with the exact date, times and venues.  If you would like to go onto the reserve list please get in touch.

The PAMIS Children and Families Activity Club at Calaiswood is running on both Friday’s, 7th and 14th April from 10.30am till 2.30pm.  Activities include swimming, music and storytelling.

This is for school aged children only.  Only a small number of bookings so please get in touch if you wish to come along, even just for a short time.

Music Session with David (FSharp Music) on Monday (3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th April) from 2-4pm (individual/group bookings for half an hour) at Maxwell Centre.  Spaces are still available.

Family Swimming Sessions at Calaiswood (Fortnightly on Friday’s) – dates to follow soon.

Lastly, the ‘Watermind’ session on 20th April at 11am till 1pm at the West Sands Beach, St Andrews.  Shirley runs a wellness session for parents/carers.  Gentle yoga, breathwork, warm up then cold water therapy followed by toasted marshmallows by the fire.  We have run this in other locations, and it is very popular.  Quote from Shirley following a recent session with PAMIS families “Getting into nature and the cold water certainly put a smile on their faces and for a couple of hours they done something for THEMSELVES which they don’t ever get to do as their lives revolve around constantly caring for their loved ones.  You are an inspiration to me and it was an absolute pleasure today to have you all participate in the wellness focus group!”

Easter Break Activities

Cafe Inc – free, family, lunch clubs are running in various places through the Easter break

Our free lunches are available to everyone. No need to book or register just pop in and enjoy a bite to eat and some friendly chat.

Café Inc runs from Monday 3rd April until Friday 14th April, weekdays, at various times and venues throughout Fife. Our interactive map can show you what’s on in your specific area. Check online for more details at

There are also a number of free activities for children and young people taking place across Fife during the Easter break. Go to  for times and details of what activities are available in your area.