Category Archives: Bootcamp

Today was amazing!

Hey guys. Wish you were all here. We are all sitting lounging about waiting   for Ben and Rachel to come and round us all up to go to the classroom. Today was amazing we all got to go on the low ropes, we got to try our hand at starting a fire in the woods next to all the huge lochs.


I can’t wait to toast all of my marshmallows at the bonfire tomorrow night. Right now I feel really excited about the bonfire.

Day 3…

Well we have just had our fish n chips dinner and are all full! I think it was the mandarin and toffee desert that did it. Another great day… This afternoon we did the low ropes learning to rust each other and then completing the course… Of course we all managed. We then had more attempts at fire starting. The sparks for flint and steel are amazing. We even got a few going… Stay tuned for more details from the people that matter…the children.

Furry critters

After another cooked breakfast 7b headed out to check their traps set last night… We were in luck with a vole and 5 mice guests in our straw hotels. Who knew mice could jump so high. Boots at the ready for the Cataran Trail and fire starting with flint and steel!

Weather is dull but the kids are not! All good #kindrogan #magnificent7

Morning pond investigations

imageToday we went pond diping in a small pond. We found some interesting things and my group got some things that other groups didn’t get one of them was a beetle larva and another thing. When I got the Kindrogan pond monster (beetle larva) I felt excited. No one could believe the size of it!! It was even funnier when it tried to escape! This afternoon were going to be doing raft building and I’m really  exited.