All posts by Mr Hamilton

Last Night

Well it’s been another busy busy day…bacon, potato scones and spaghetti hoops for breakfast led to a long walk up Kindrogan Hill.

Camouflage commando at the top brought lots of laughs as did walking through the very wet bogs in the trees. Then back to build to bird boxes that will be homes of the highest order once back home…

Tonight’s camp fire was great fun even if the singing was questionable.  Now as the kids pack and get sorted for tomorrow there’s smiles on every tired face as they get ready to tell all the stories as soon as they get home… Then fall asleep shortly after…

Day 3…

Well we have just had our fish n chips dinner and are all full! I think it was the mandarin and toffee desert that did it. Another great day… This afternoon we did the low ropes learning to rust each other and then completing the course… Of course we all managed. We then had more attempts at fire starting. The sparks for flint and steel are amazing. We even got a few going… Stay tuned for more details from the people that matter…the children.

Furry critters

After another cooked breakfast 7b headed out to check their traps set last night… We were in luck with a vole and 5 mice guests in our straw hotels. Who knew mice could jump so high. Boots at the ready for the Cataran Trail and fire starting with flint and steel!

Weather is dull but the kids are not! All good #kindrogan #magnificent7