Friday 8th December

Today, we enjoyed making origami Christmas decorations for the gift bags that will go into the community.

We have also met with our committees for the final time this term to review our progress and set next steps.

In Drama, we acted out the case that we explored during Monday’s mock trial with a real life Procurator Fiscal. We enjoyed understanding how a real life court case works and also to find out about the role of a Procurator Fiscal and the skills they need. We have been developing our understanding of how laws are made and what happens if laws are broken. We also debated some possible new laws. We also gathered the results from our Mock Election, well done to the Preppy Party for winning by 1 vote! We used Excel to create Tables and Charts to show our results.

This week in Writing, we have created Haiku poems, focusing on Nature or Seasons.

In Numeracy, we have been further developing our skills in fractions.

We have been practising for the Christmas show in the Church, including reading parts of the Christmas story and learning traditional carols.

In Science, we have continued to learn about body systems.

We have been learning about classroom objects in French.

This week in RME, we have looked at different versions of the Christmas Story.

Friday 1st December 2023

It is festive Friday today and we enjoyed making some Christmas artwork for our hall area. We created perspective snowmen and some snowflakes, it is looking very wintery! We also enjoyed decorating the tree with our P1 Buddies and designed Christmas jumpers with our buddies for the Eco Committee Competition. We all met in our Committees today and each Committee is working hard on a different project.

As part of our Democracy topic, each of our Political Parties presented to P3-P6 children in our mock election. We are looking forward to seeing which party has won. We have all worked well together in our groups developing our ideas and showed confidence to present to a large audience.

In Numeracy this week we have been exploring fractions, including equivalent, simplifying and finding fractions of amounts.

We have written formal letters this week, taking on the role of a MP and responding to the concerns of one of our classmates.

In PE, we have been developing our skills in Handball.

We have been developing our skills in dealing with emergency situations.

We have been enjoying singing traditional Christmas Carols in preparation for our visit to the Church.

In our art lesson this week, we were exploring perspective to create Polar Express Trains.

We enjoyed reading and completing the daily mile with our buddies.


Friday 24th November 2023

Well done to our Basketball team – Harry, Eiliyah, Miya, Orlagh and Isabella – who performed so well at the Madras Active Schools event on Monday evening. They came 3rd place overall and played very well against the 7 other schools.

Our JRSOs have shared information about keeping safe on the roads to all classes, as part of Road Safety Week.

We had a visit from the Councillor Jonny Tepp on Tuesday afternoon to discuss his role in NE Fife. This helped to develop our understanding further as part of our learning about Democracy.

In our topic, we have worked well in our Political Parties to develop our ideas for our manifestos. We have also now starting to create campaign materials, including posters and rosettes. This was a design task for our learning in Art this week. We enjoyed having lots of family members in helping us with this on Wednesday morning. We have also allocated roles in our groups as we prepare to present to the rest of the school (the electorate).

In writing, we have been writing letters to our local MP/MSP about what we would like to see change locally or nationally, thinking about persuasive writing techniques and how to write a formal letter.

In Numeracy, we have been applying our understanding of the 4 operations within money, including budgeting, profit and loss and discount.

This week in P.E, we have started to develop some skills in Handball and have finished our fitness block of learning. We will now review to check if we have improved our scores from week 1 to week 4.

In French, we have been learning about French for school subjects and can discuss our likes and dislikes. We have started to create our own ideal timetable in French, based on a Madras timetable.

With our buddies, we explored the types of leaves we have in our playground and used an ID guide to identify which tree they came from. We also used the leaves to create rubbings on.

In Drama, we used loose parts to create short scenes, focusing on character development.

Today, we met again with our Committees from pupils across the school.


Friday 17th November

P7s received certificates in class on Monday for submitting their 500 word imaginative story to the BBC Competition. We are keeping our fingers crossed for all of our entries.

Some the class shared their learning at Monday’s Together Time about what we have been learning in class about gratitude and taking time to appreciate the positive things we have in our lives, especially when times are challenging. This included what we have been learning in school, what we appreciate from our class and school and the places that we live. We have been giving shout outs in class to show our gratitude to others.

We have continued to develop out skills in playing the Ukulele and most are feeling more confident changing between more complex chords. We have started to play and learn some Christmas music.

In our topic of Democracy, we have been learning about the role of the local Councillor. We are grateful to Louise Kennedy-Dalby  for taking time to visit us and to answer our questions, along with a great activity to develop our understanding of budgeting challenges in the local area.  This linked well to our topic of money and budgeting in Numeracy this week as we completed a number of real-life learning tasks.

We have started to develop our ideas in our political parties as we work towards our school election. Thank you also to Wendy Chamberlain, MP for NE Fife for visiting us in class on Friday, to also answer our questions and help us with our thoughts on our own political parties.

In Literacy, we have chosen our own area to research and make notes on as we complete our learning on report writing for this term.

In French, we are continuing to develop our writing skills, as we write about our interests.

This week in P.E, we have continued to develop our fitness skills through HiiT training and also football drills and skills. We are working on setting personal targets to improve.

We have started back in our Committees today as we continue to lead the rest of the school in all of the different areas.

We enjoyed working with our buddies in the outdoor environment exploring our senses.

In RME, we have learned about the pilgrimage that Jewish people make.


Thursday 9th November

Today has been a busy day. Our P7 House Captains laid a wreath at the War Memorial in Newport to show our respect for those who have lost their lives during the war. All P7s contributed to making the wreath. We also studied the poem written by John McRae, In Flanders Fields. We then created Blackout poems from his work, using the significant words.  In art, we used oil pastels to create Poppy art, focusing on line and detail.

In Science, we have been exploring the parts of the heart and their functions.

In French, we are learning about Hobbies and how to share our likes and dislikes. We enjoyed playing Blooket.

This week in Numeracy, we have been developing our skills in dividing decimals.

We have been working in groups in our topic work to explore the current political parties in the UK and their beliefs. We are now starting to work on creating our own, thinking about what we believe in and would like to change or improve.

In HWB, we have been exploring the concept of gratitude and what we are grateful for. We have been developing our football and fitness skills in PE.

We enjoyed exploring symmetry with our buddies in the our natural environment.

Well done to Miya in P7 who won the Christmas Cheer poster competition.

Friday 3rd November

We enjoyed a visit from MSP Willie Rennie this week as part our Democracy topic. We asked him lots of questions about his role and we now have a better understanding of what a MSP does. We also began to explore the main political parties in the U.K and we presented our findings to the rest of the class.

We visited the DCA this week, to view a series of short films. This has prompted lots of good discussion in class and we have used our visit to explore facts and opinions. All of the films explored kindness and we discussed this in relation to our school values.

In Writing this week. we have written information reports using notes we have made and we have a good understanding of the correct layout. We enjoyed reading to our buddies this week.

In Numeracy, we have been developing our skills in multiplying and dividing decimals.

In P.E, we have been developing our skills in football and fitness.

This week in Art, we have been exploring 1 point perspective and created spooky images with a focus on line and detail.

We have been developing our French writing skills and have written about our hobbies.

In Science, we have started to explore the inside of the human body.

Finally in Drama, we are developing character roles.


Friday 27th October

We have had a busy first week back and we have welcomed a new pupil into our class.

We enjoyed celebrating getting our Eco Flag today by wearing blue and green We will carry out a scavenger hunt with our buddies next week. We will also plant plants in our playground that we will look after.

Our new topic this term is Democracy and we have been learning about what Democracy is and thinking about what change we would like to bring about in our local area. We have been learning about Willie Rennie, the MSP for NE Fife, before his visit to class on Monday. We have prepared questions to ask him.

In Literacy, we have been developing our handwriting and comprehension skills. We have also been developing note-taking skills and using these notes to write an information report.

In Numeracy, we have been developing our multiplication and division skills with decimals.

In P.E, we have been developing our fitness and football skills.

We have been learning how to put someone into the recovery position as part of our learning on what to do in an emergency.

We have further developed our skills in Ukulele and are becoming more confident with different chords.

In art, we have been learning about the Pop Artist, Roy Lichtenstein, and we have created self portrait are in his style.

Friday 6th October

We can’t quite believe it is the end of Term 1 already and what a busy term it has been!

P7s have helped host the Harvest service today and also shared some learning about Harvest facts from countries we have travelled to as part of our ‘Race Across the World’. We have concluded our topic, with all teams successfully making it to China within budget. We have learned lots on the way about different countries, we have improved our understanding of the world and we have develop our skills in working with others. Each group shared their learning to the rest of the class.

We have also been presenting in pairs this week about people who inspire us, their personal skills and qualities and how it links to our own skills and ambitions. We have give peer assessment to help develop our presentation skills further.

In writing, we have continued to develop our 500 word stories to submit to the BBC 500 word competition. We have given feedback to each other on our imaginative stories and edited them accordingly.

In Numeracy, we have continued to explore BODMAS, word problems and revised our learning from Term 1.

We have continued to develop our ball skills through team games this week in P.E.

In HWB, we have explored Article 31 and the Right to Play and Relax. We also discussed the Wellbeing Indicators.

We hope everyone has a lovely holiday.

Friday 29th September

This week we have been working hard both in school and at home.

We have enjoyed participating in the BBC 500 Word story writing competition, lots of imaginative and original ideas. We will submit our entries next week, once we have edited and given some peer feedback.

In pairs, we have been working on talks to present to the class on inspirational figures. We will share these next week.

In Numeracy, most have been developing their skills in BODMAS and using the correct order of operations.

We have almost reached our final destination of China in our Race Across the World and all groups are using their budgets well and making good decisions. We have carried out research to compare Scotland to China and chose how to present our information.

We have enjoyed singing the songs for the Harvest Service as part of our learning in Music this week.

In Drama, we used the loose parts within our improvisations.

We have worked well in our committees again on Friday, with all members of P7 leading their group with a different focus in each.

Friday 22nd September

P7 are delighted at the success of our cake and candy stall at the school fair. We made just under £400 and we are very grateful for the donations we received to sell, alongside the tray bakes we made. Thank you to everyone.

This week we met again in our Pupil Committees and P7s are leading these Committees, after creating plans for each at the start of the week.

In P.E, we have further developed our skills in basketball and using our team effectively.

We explored the characteristics of a successful learner and looked at the iceberg illusion to show what success can look like to others.

On Thursday, we had a STEM workshop with Fife College and we learned about renewable energy and how to use hydrogen power to give energy to car. We enjoyed testing the cars out.

We have developed our skills in written and mental subtraction this week and also in a problem solving challenge. We have been using Sumdog too.

We enjoyed working with our buddies in the outdoors to identify similarities and differences in our playground.

In writing, we researched well known people who we find inspirational. We wrote personal accounts about why they inspire us.

We are continuing to Race Across the World and we have made it to Istanbul, we are now working in teams to get to Kazakhstan, before we embark on the final leg to China. We have been learning about the countries on route, working well in our teams and using our budgets.

We enjoyed designing our Christmas Cards this week that will be sent away to be printed.