Friday 3rd May

Well done to a group of boys who represented the school today at a Football Tournament at Madras. We look forward to hearing how they got on.

This week, we have been working well in our film groups and have made fantastic trailers. We enjoyed watching each others and we hope to share with the rest of the school. We have been filming our films and will finish them next week.

In writing, we have been been writing procedure texts about how to make a film, based on our current experiences.

In Maths and Numeracy, we have been developing our skills further in coordinates.

We are continuing to enjoy the P7 to S1 class novel and have completed some art and comprehension tasks based around it.

After getting the kit car repaired, all P7s had a chance to test the car and get their fastest time. Well done to Jessica, Jess, Freya-Rose and Charlie R who will represent the school at the race next week in Cowdenbeath.

We enjoyed developing our art and music skills with Mrs McMillan this week. We have also been rehearsing our ukulele skills for the Big Strum.

With our P1 Buddies, we completed another outdoor STEM challenge based on measure.

In P.E, we have been developing our team work skills. We are continuing to learn more about body image in Health and Wellbeing.

Good luck to the quiz team of Niamh, Harry, Jasmine and Harrison at the next round of the quiz this evening at Bell Baxter. We hope they have fun and do well.

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