Our Blog

We have been spending time researching a South American country – next week we are giving a presentation in pairs on the country we have found facts out about.
We have been estimating and measuring time. Some of our estimations have been very close to the time it actually took to carry out the task.
We have been learning how to research using key words and then put information into our own words.
We have been learning to insert text and pictures in to a table using Word.
Online learning has been successful. Lots of children have shared their stories, maths, art and harvest work with the teacher.
In maths we have been learning how to multiply 3- and 4-digit numbers by a single digit. Some groups have been multiplying decimals by a single digit too.
We have enjoyed singing the Harvest songs in preparation for the Harvest Assembly next week.

Our Week

We wrote a narrative text about a key – we all had a different key to use for our story. Some keys opened doors while others opened treasure chests.
We have been learning about the Learner Characteristics. We created a cereal that would be perfect for learning. We enjoyed thinking about catchy names for our cereals and designing the boxes.
In maths we have been learning how to multiply numbers by multiples of ten and a hundred as well as multiplying 2-, 3- and 4-digit numbers by a single digit.
We had our first experience of dictation this week, everyone tried very hard. We have seen how important taking new paragraphs and adding punctuation are.
In PE we have been developing our running skills – dodging, starting and stopping. We have been very aware of the space around us and played games to encourage us to move safely around the hall.
We have been celebrating how unique we all are – that our differences are special.

Our Blog

We are all really looking forward to the School Fayre tomorrow. We would like to thank everyone for their kind donations for our Chocolate Tombola.
This week we have been learning about the different layers of the rainforest. We worked in groups to create a picture of what it looks like.
In maths we have been rounding numbers to estimate answers and learning about the chances of events happening.
In literacy we have been learning how to punctuate speech correctly. We have included speech in our narrative writing this week.
We had our first committees meeting this week. This year they are Eco, Rights Respecting, Health and Wellbeing, Enterprise and Road Safety.
In art we have been learning how to use line to create patterns and different tones.
We have been enjoying our drumming lessons.
In PE we created our own basketball activity stations based on the skills we have been learning the last few weeks.
In groups we showed our understanding of the different layers of the rainforest by creating a structure with loose parts.
In Health and Wellbeing we have continued to explore the Learning Characteristics and how making a mistake can be a good thing.

Our Blog

This week we have been learning about the Split Strategy to add large numbers together. We have also been rounding numbers to the nearest ten and hundred. Next we will be rounding numbers in a calculation to estimate the answer.

In art, we have continued exploring one-point perspective. Some of our work has been on Twitter this week.

In PE, we have be developing our skills in basketball. We enjoyed playing games. We worked well in our teams by encouraging one another and making sure everyone felt included.

We learned how to “shape fill” in our ICT lesson using PowerPoint. We inserted a shape and then filled it with a photo/picture that is saved in our folder.

We worked well together during loose parts play. Our challenge this week was to create a marble run. We had to make sure the structure was stable and that the course went from high to low.

We created a narrative text about a T.Rex. We used the success criteria to make sure we included paragraphs, connectives and WOW words.

We learned about all the things our brain needs to work effectively. We used what we learned to create a KeyNote presentation.

We have nine trays to explore – the contents of them will change from week to week. This week we have enjoyed making Loom Band bracelets, creating a scene from a rainforest and mindfulness colouring (to name a few).

As a reward for working so hard we enjoyed playing Scatter.

Our Blog

We have been learning about having a Growth Mindset. We created posters with brains working out and statements about being the best we can be.
We have been learning about one-point perspective in art. Our work is displayed on the notice boards in the hall.
We have been using an empty number line to help us add numbers together. We also learned about the split strategy.
At drumming, we learned how to play different beats.
We have been illustrators today – we drew a picture from the chapter we read.
We were invited to watch P7 children play the cello. Next week, we will take part in a music assessment to see if we can play the cello too.
In PE we were practising our basketball skills and then we played a game.
We enjoyed being outside this week during the whole school Daily Mile and while taking part in Loose Part Play.
We improved our communication skills by taking part in Lego Club.
In French, we revised the days of the week, the months of the year and numbers to 20.

Our Blog

We had our first drumming lesson with Mr Foggo this week. We learned how to hold the sticks correctly.
We learned about Poison Dart Frogs and created a piece of art. We shared facts and pictures on a Word document.
We voted for the P7 House Captains and our Class Council Rep.
We used Microbits to code.
We learned about probability in Maths. We made a spinner and we will be making questions to go with it.
We are trying to motivate everyone and be a supportive friend.
In Health and Wellbeing, we learned about positive affirmations and sang a song to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle.
In our class novel, we have read about the den the children found. They make a roof by weaving leaves together. We had a go at weaving too!
In PE we have been improving our throwing and catching skills, dribbling with both hands and shooting into the basketball hoop. Next week we will play games of basketball.

Our Blog

We created a Lego character of ourselves for the P5 Class Charter. We have worked together to create class rules to make sure EVERYTHING IS AWESOME IN P5.
We have started our class novel The Explorer. We are interested to see if they meet anyone else and make it out of the jungle.
We had our first session with the Loose Parts. Everyone played FAIR.
In groups, we made a display of flowers for our Wellbeing Indicators.
It has been a good start to P5 and we look forward to learning more next week.