Our Blog

Firstly, a huge WELL DONE to everyone for learning their song/poem. It was a hard job choosing the winners but we are delighted to announce that Sophia-Rose, Morag and Elise are the winners for P5 this year.
As a reward for doing so well with the song/poems and learning five dances we had a class ceilidh today. Everyone really enjoyed themselves 🙂
In art, we worked together to create a collaborative portrait of Robert Burns. We used different tones by adding white and black to form the shape of his face. The finished piece will be going on a display board in the corridor.
In writing, we have been learning to write a discussion text. We needed to write both arguments for and against the topic. In the concluding statement we were able to give our opinion on the topic too.
In maths, we have been learning how to draw and interpret bar graphs. Next week we will move on to line graphs and pie charts.
For our topic this week we have been learning about the ferries that used to run from Newport to Dundee.
We are really enjoying our class novel, The Boy at the Back of the Class. We all take turns reading it out loud. This week we created a flow diagram on Word about their plan to visit the Queen.
As a whole school, we have been focusing on showing kindness. We each had a secret mission to be extra kind all day to one person in our class (we picked out lollypop sticks) in the hope that they would guess us at the end of the day. We enjoyed doing it so much that we asked if we could do it again!
Many pupils shared their presentations about someone famous that they admire. We learned lots of facts from each other.

Our Blog

The highlight of the week was learning how to make improvements to a design. We were challenged to make a paper plane. They didn’t fly too far so we made adaptations to them so they would fly further. We continued to change small things and test our planes. At the end of the lesson we had a competition to see who designed a plane that could fly the furthest. Faron won! Not only did his fly the furthest but it was the fastest too.

We have been writing narrative texts over the last couple of weeks. We are using images and ideas from Pobble 365 to inspire our written work. Our main targets are that we can write with description. That description could be adding adjectives, adverbs, similes or extra information to our sentences.

In maths we have continued linking our multiplication to our division work. We have also started learning about information handling. We enjoyed drawing pictographs this week.

Our new topic is about transport in the past. We have started looking at planes because we have an airport nearby. Next we will be learning about other modes of transport.

We all really enjoyed taking part in the dodgeball house competition today.

Skills Academy started today and everyone went to a group of their choice. Some people were baking, some were learning how to crochet while others were coding.

Half of the class have given their talk. We have learned facts about a variety of people ranging from Emma Watson to David Beckham. We have been giving each other feedback to let everyone know what went well and how they can improve.

Friday 15th December

We’ve had another busy week in P5!

We really enjoyed our class party on Wednesday and it really got us into the festive spirit.  We also enjoyed the Church service on Thursday.

On Festive Friday (15th) we spent time with P4 playing with our loose parts.  Our challenge was to create something linked with the theme of ‘Christmas’. We created cosy houses, Santa’s sleigh, Christmas trees and Santa’s workshop!

We also designed and created decorations and cards which will be ready to bring home on Wednesday.

At the beginning of the week we were learning about reflection and shadow.

In ICT we used Publisher to tessellate Christmas tree shapes.  We think these look really impressive.

We also used our knowledge of grid references to create  Christmas themed pictures in Excel.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Love from Primary 5 and Miss Allan xx

Our Blog

This week we shared our learning at Together Time for the school and in the afternoon for our parents. We had such lovely feedback about our assembly from our families and the other classes. We are pleased everyone enjoyed it so much 🙂

We were delighted to have Miss Donaldson in with us for our writing lesson. We were learning how to write an informal letter. Each of us selected a person we would like to thank and explain why. Brownie leaders, football coaches, climbing instructors, gymnastic coaches, dance teachers and TADAMS leaders were some of the people that we thanked.

We have been learning about the digestive system this week. We are able to label all the parts and say what each part does. We started drawing our own diagrams that we hope we will get the chance to finish next week.

In maths we have continued our learning on 3D shape. We created skeletons of different 3D shapes. We learned how to draw 3D shapes too.

We created a mixed media piece of art of trees in a forest. We were aware of how the light hit the tree trunks and we drew shadows in the correct direction.

We enjoyed our first Festive Friday today. Everyone looked great in their Christmas jumpers/dresses. Our class decorated our display board as Candy Cane Lane. We were able to choose from six crafts.

Our blog

We have started planning our sharing assembly this week. We look forward to showing the other classes and our parents on Monday.
We have been learning to type up our information reports on Word, using different fonts, formatting images and adding colourful texts. We read our next steps and edited our work.
We have been learning about the nervous system. We know what a neuron is and have created some of our own in class. These are on Twitter if anyone would like to see them.
In Art, we have been learning how light can affect our work. We drew otters and created a shadow behind them. They look great on our display.
We continued developing our volleyball skills in PE. We learned how to serve accurately by aiming for a hoop.

Our Blog

We have learned about personification. That is when an object is described with a human quality. For example…The washing machine spat my clothes out. The human quality is spat.
We learned about the Fibonacci sequence. It goes like this… 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so on. When it is drawn as a picture it turns into a spiral.
We have been learning about red squirrels. We took notes while we watched a video and then searched for more facts using the internet. Using our notes we created an information text. We had to include lots of facts about the red squirrel (what it looks like, what it eats, where it lives, how it moves and what it does in winter).
In art we drew bubbles with chalk. We had to choose two colours that we saw in bubbles along with white and yellow to show how the light passes through the surface. We made our lines curved to make the bubbles look 3D.
In our bands we had a budget of £500 to get to Edinburgh, stay in a hotel, eat at a restaurant and visit a local attraction. Some people wanted the cheapest option while others enjoyed spending the money.
We are happy to have Miss Monteith with us for the next few weeks.

Our Blog

We have been learning about “Big Deal” and “Little Deal” and “THINK” before we talk in Health and Wellbeing lessons this week. We created posters that we will share during our Together Time next week.
In PE we have continued learning skills that will help us during a game of Four Square or Volleyball.
We learned all the body parts in French and enjoyed singing songs about them.
We wrote an information text about modes of transport. We learned how to use subtitles, include adjectives and open all our sentences in a variety of ways.
We used the internet to research some places of interest in Edinburgh – this is the first city our bands will be visiting!
In maths we have continued working with decimals. We have been ordering decimal numbers, adding and subtracting decimals and read decimals from a scale.
We have learned how to use commas to add a relative clause to a sentence. This is another way we can up-level our sentences.
During Fun for 31 we all made dens inside the classroom. Once our dens were made we read, played games and completed jigsaw puzzles.
In music we have been learning to play a glockenspiel in time to a piece of music. Next week we will see if we can play in parts and sing at the same time.
Our dances to Kylie’s The Loco-Motion are coming along nicely. We will be performing them to each other next week.

Our Blog

This week we have been planning our Battle of the Bands topic in greater detail.
We have been learning about decimals – ordering them and rounding them to the nearest whole number. Next, we will be adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals.
We have been learning about onomatopoeia and we used some words in a poem about fireworks.
We had fun learning about Sparkler Safety – we created a drama piece to demonstrate our understanding.
Every wrote a letter of complaint in our writing lesson.
We learned about how light can affect art work – we used black paper to create silhouettes of a haunted house.
In PE we have been learning new skills that will help us in volleyball.

Our Blog

This week we have enjoyed creating our PowerPoints to support our paired presentation about different South American countries. The talks went well and our classmates gave us positive feedback and next steps.

We have been learning about decimals. We have been working with tenths and hundredths. Next week we will be learning how to round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number before we start learning about Money.

We have been learning how to write an information text. We planned as a class and then everyone wrote their own information text about how to stay healthy. Some people focused on food and exercise while other people looked at hygiene.

This week we learned how to use line in art to create pattern. We used pencils to make different tones of the same colour.

We made posters to advertise Newport’s Christmas Cheer at the end of November. We made them bold, bright and colourful and included all the key information.

Our new topic is going to be “Battle of the Bands”. We all formed our own bands, gave them a name and created a Pic Collage advertising our band. They looked great! We will together throughout this topic. We have learned about the major cities in the UK and we will decide which ones to visit on our tour. We will learn how to budget our money and read transport timetables.

In PE we played games with a rugby ball. We are improving our throwing and catching skills as well as learning the rules of touch rugby.

Our Blog

Happy holidays!

We have enjoyed creating Harvest Moon art this week. We focused on making our brush strokes go in the right direction. Have a look on Twitter to see what they look like.

We wrote Harvest Haikus and read some of them out at our end of term assembly. We used our ICT skills to format a picture so that it was behind the text. They looked great.

In writing, we wrote a narrative story using all the skills we have learned this term. Next term, we are looking forward to writing Information Texts and Letters.

We have been changing 12-hour time to 24-hour time. We will continue learning about time next term.

We were excited to take part in “Fun for 31” for the first time this week. This links to what we know about the Children’s Rights. Article 31 states that children have the right to relax and play. Everyone was creative in the way they played 🙂