Author: Miss Amy

P3/4 Friday 10th March 2023

In RME with Miss Allan, we learnt about Jesus and the Last Supper. They drank wine and ate bread to remember his body and blood.

In Literacy, we wrote letters as Bailey from our novel, Scribbleboy, to his mum. We had to include his thoughts and feelings.

In Art, we drew daffodils that Miss had brought in. We could use whatever we liked to colour them. Some of us used paint and others used chalk.

In Gymnastics, we have been doing straight, star, tuck and 180o jumps from higher and higher blocks. Today, we also used the springboard to jump on to a crash mat and then on to the smallest block.

In Maths, with Miss Allan, we used Form to make a quiz about probability and today we were measuring in centimetres and half centimetres.

In Science, we learnt about unrenewable energy sources that will eventually run out like oil, gas and coal. Renewable energy sources will never run out like wind, water and the sun.

We have been working hard on our E-portfolios and are looking forward to sharing them with you next week.

Holly, Zidan and Lewis did their Book Reviews this week. They were great and we already have some good recommendations. Thank you!


P3/4 Friday 3rd March

This week we have made posters in groups of three or four about the Discovery and why people should visit it.

Today, we went shopping on-line to find gifts for Miss Amy’s friends. We knew the sort of things they would like and had a set budget. We had to add up how much it would cost and find the change.

We loved World Book Day. We made corner book marks, watched BBC Teach Live and did a book related Kahoot.

We were learning about when to use apostrophes.

We did more more balances with a partner today and started working on jumps.

P3/4 24th February 2023

Our new class novel is Scribbleboy by Philip Ridley. We have been enjoying it and finding out about the graffiti scribbles! We have written our own names in a graffiti style on a print out of a brick wall. We used a website to give us an idea that we then copied. We used oil pastels and blow pens to create the effect of spray paints.

This week in PE, we created and performed ‘penguin’ dances to music! We used characteristics of penguins and their bodies to create different moves. Today we have been creating symmetrical balances in pairs that we had to hold for 5 seconds. We used a mat and a bench. We then had to put 3 balances together in a sequence. We had to work on control and smooth movements in time with each other.

In Numeracy, some children were writing their own subtraction word problems. We have also been learning how to find the change when spending up to £1, £2, £5 and £10.

We started planning a poster about the RRS Discovery today. We are working in groups of three. We have been thinking about what skills we need to work in a group and how we can be successful in designing and making our poster.

In Literacy, we wrote a letter as Robert Scott to his wife and son. It was the last letter he would write before he died so we included his thought sand feelings and an inspirational message for them. We also had to include sentence starters and connectives.

In French, we learnt the names for places around the school. For example, our classroom is salle de classe and the playground is cour de recreation!

P3/4 Friday 10th February 2023

We wanted to write up our letters to Robert Scott’s parents on old looking paper. We used teabags in water to mark white paper and then let it dry. We then used our best handwriting to write up our letters. They are now on display and look great!

With Miss Allan, we learnt about staying safe on the internet as Tuesday was Internet Safety Day. If people are being unkind to you on-line then you can block them, report it, tell an adult or delete it. We made a graph on the computer using Excel. We had to rate a list of 10 things that might worry us on-line from ‘most worrying’ to ‘least worrying’. We used these results to make the graph. The thing that worried us most was strangers who befriend us on-line.

We have been practising our assembly that we are doing on Monday. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with you.

We were learning and practising how to work well and communicate in groups. We had a leader and a talking stick to make sure everyone had a chance to speak.

On Tuesday, the P3s did a rugby taster session. They learnt how to hold the ball and how to throw it. They played some games too and it was lots of fun!

In Numeracy, some children were doing addition and subtraction number families and some were subtracting near multiples of 10 from 2 and 3-digit numbers.

In Literacy, we have been learning to use sentence starters to show time moving on and we used these words to write a recount of our trip.

On Wednesday, we welcomed some of our Mums and Dads in the to classroom. They helped us design and make switches for electrical circuits. It was great to work with them and we came up with some brilliant switches.

Today, we had a vote to name our penguin that they gave us at the Discovery. Her name is Sweetheart Snowdrop Scott! Welcome to P3/4!

P3/4 Friday 3rd February 2023

We have had such a brilliant day at the Discovery today. We loved seeing all the different parts of the boat and we had great fun trying on all the different clothes that were worn by the explorers back when the Discovery went to Antarctica and what they wear now! The children represented the school so well, displaying our school values throughout the day.

Also this week, we have been writing a letter as Robert Scott from the Discovery while they were on their voyage south. We included what had happened so far and what Captain Scott would have been feeling and thinking.

In Numeracy, we have been subtracting near multiples of ten. in 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.

In Art, we made amazing images of seals as if looking through a telescope whilst exploring the Antarctic. We learnt about showing objects that are near and far by changing the size.

In PE, we learnt a Line Dance! It was tricky to learn all the moves and keep in time but we persevered and it was looking pretty good by the end of the lesson.

In Science, we did an investigation into what materials are conductors of electricity and which are insulators. We learnt that all metals are conductors.

P3/4 27th January 2023

In Maths, we have been learning about different coins and making different amounts of money. We have new activity in the classroom for when we have finished our learning. It is a shop with a till, things to buy and plastic money.

In PE, we learnt the Dashing White Sergeant and today we created our own Scottish dances in pairs or groups of 3 or 4. They were great.

In Art, we made symmetrical images of butterflies. We drew half of a butterfly on a piece of paper with oil pastels. Then we folded it over and pressed really hard to create a print. We then drew these lines in more clearly and painted with watercolours. They look beautiful.

We performed our Scots poems this week. Everyone did a fantastic job and two children have been chosen to perform in Together Time on Monday. Well done, everyone. Miss Amy loved it!

In Science, we made circuits with bulbs and buzzers. We also used two types of switches to turn the light on and off. We learnt that a circuit has to be complete for it to work.

In Topic, we learnt about Robert Scott who is famous for sailing to Antarctica on the Discovery. We made a fact file about him. The crew were the first people to land there and they learnt all about the plants and animals there. Sadly, Robert Scott was only 43 when he died. He died in a blizzard when returning from a trek to the South Pole. Unfortunately, they weren’t the first people to make it to the South Pole. They were beaten by a Norwegian.

In Literacy, we made a poster to advertise for crew members for the Discovery on its expedition to the Antarctic. We had to include details about what to expect on the journey, what qualities you might need and some of the professions they were looking for. We also had a bold title and a picture.

In Health and Wellbeing, we spoke about different coping strategies for when we are feeling stressed, angry or upset. When we are feeling stressed we could count to ten, do breathing exercises or take a break. We discussed it is always helpful to talk to someone about how we are feeling.

P3/4 20th January 2023

Yesterday, we made a PicCollage using pictures to show Hindus worshipping.

In PE, we have been learning Scottish dances. This week we learnt the Virginia Reel. We really enjoyed it. Miss Amy filmed us and we were able to give ourselves some feedback about what was good and what we could work on next time.

We have continued looking for the countries in the different continents. We have been putting them in alphabetical order.

In Literacy, we have been learning about different tenses. There are present, past and future tenses. We had to identify them and we learnt about different spelling rules for past tense verbs.

In Numeracy, we learnt how to do column subtraction. If the ones number wasn’t big enough to subtract from, we had to take 10 from the tens number to make it bigger.

Committees started again today. In Eco committee, they were making booklets about reducing food waste. In Health committee, they were thinking about activities that you can do to feel relaxed. The Rights Respecting committee were making posters about the different rights. In Enterprise, they were planning a Newport’s Got Talent event!

In Topic, we learnt about how the Discovery was built and found out about the different parts of the ship.

P3/4 13th Jan 2023

This week we have learnt some Scottish dances in PE. We did the Progressive Canadian Barn and the Military 2-Step.

We made penguin images by cutting out a penguin shape and then transferring part of it over to create a symmetrical shape. They look amazing.

We have written a formal letter of complaint to iPayimpact because it keeps logging us out in the morning when we are trying to do our lunches. We started our letter with ‘Dear Sir/Madam,’ and we ended with ‘Yours Faithfully’.

In French, we learnt some words for the things you can find in the classroom. Our favourite is ‘une poubelle’ which means bin!

This afternoon we went through our options for Scots poems and have chosen one. We are taking them home to practice.

As part of our new topic we learnt what the 7 continents are – South America, North America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe and Antarctica. We have been looking at the different countries in each continent using an atlas.

In Health and Wellbeing we have been talking about different feelings and emotions. We read ‘My Many Coloured Days’ by Dr Seuss and could recognise the feelings we have sometimes. We wrote new words to ‘If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands’! One of our lines is ‘If you’re angry and you know it, count to 10’!

P3/4 6.1.23

Happy New Year and welcome back!

We have a fun few days back. We have been learning about symmetry and today did a fun challenge involving symmetry and coordinates. We made symmetrical bugs from outdoor materials today. They look great!

We found examples of tessellation in the environment and displayed them using KeyNote on the ipads.

Today in Literacy, we reviewed when and why we use a or an. In PE we did our last circuits session!

Have a great weekend everyone.

P3/4 9th Dec 2022

Hello all!

This week we had Mairi Sheils into talk to us about the history of Newport. It was really interesting and we found out lots of new things about what Newport was like many years ago. We used our new knowledge to help us plan our walk around Newport. After a vote we decided we wanted to go to Kinbrae Park to see where the old railway station was and where the owner of the Dundee Advertiser’s house used to be. We also went down to see the old pier and where ‘Stinky’s’ café and the old Post Office were. We then walked back up through Berry’s Den to show Miss Amy the colourful bee house and see what was left of the old rail bridge! We used a map to mark a route.

We have started planning and making PowerPoint presentations for our individual presentations next week. We have chosen a topic from a list, either the River Tay, Dundee Law, Newport or Housing.

We loved seeing lots of parents today to help us with our Christmas jokes for the Community Bags. Thank you for coming in to help.

We have been practising our Christmas song on the ukuleles that we are going to play in the Church Service next week. It is sounding pretty good!

Have a good weekend.