P3/4 27th January 2023

In Maths, we have been learning about different coins and making different amounts of money. We have new activity in the classroom for when we have finished our learning. It is a shop with a till, things to buy and plastic money.

In PE, we learnt the Dashing White Sergeant and today we created our own Scottish dances in pairs or groups of 3 or 4. They were great.

In Art, we made symmetrical images of butterflies. We drew half of a butterfly on a piece of paper with oil pastels. Then we folded it over and pressed really hard to create a print. We then drew these lines in more clearly and painted with watercolours. They look beautiful.

We performed our Scots poems this week. Everyone did a fantastic job and two children have been chosen to perform in Together Time on Monday. Well done, everyone. Miss Amy loved it!

In Science, we made circuits with bulbs and buzzers. We also used two types of switches to turn the light on and off. We learnt that a circuit has to be complete for it to work.

In Topic, we learnt about Robert Scott who is famous for sailing to Antarctica on the Discovery. We made a fact file about him. The crew were the first people to land there and they learnt all about the plants and animals there. Sadly, Robert Scott was only 43 when he died. He died in a blizzard when returning from a trek to the South Pole. Unfortunately, they weren’t the first people to make it to the South Pole. They were beaten by a Norwegian.

In Literacy, we made a poster to advertise for crew members for the Discovery on its expedition to the Antarctic. We had to include details about what to expect on the journey, what qualities you might need and some of the professions they were looking for. We also had a bold title and a picture.

In Health and Wellbeing, we spoke about different coping strategies for when we are feeling stressed, angry or upset. When we are feeling stressed we could count to ten, do breathing exercises or take a break. We discussed it is always helpful to talk to someone about how we are feeling.

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