Week Beginning 15/1/24

Happy Friday!

We have had a great week in Primary 1/2. Lots of fun learning.

Maths/Numeracy- We have been working on our addition learning . We have also been telling the time on an analogue and digital displays – o’clock and half past. We have also been finding the time one hour /two hours later /before .
We enjoyed some time playing Sum Dog.

Literacy- We all enjoyed our reading books this week. We had to write a story about meeting the Loch Ness monster . We loved using our imaginations for this job.
P1 new sounds were qu and ou.

Topic- We were learning about Queen Victoria. We drew a detailed picture and had 4 facts to write about her.

Art- We painted a very cool picture of the Loch Ness Monster. This will be displayed in the hall 🙂

Outdoor Learning – We enjoyed some time exploring the school garden.

PE-We love Scottish dancing. We were able to teach the Primary 1 class two of our dances .

P2 enjoyed taking part in their skills academy group.

P1 enjoyed working with Miss Smith doing Scottish songs and art work.

Have a lovely weekend .
Take care.

Love Primary 1/2 and Mrs Carmichael 🙂

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