Week Beginning 8/1/24

Happy Friday!

We have had a fun and busy week in Primary 1.

Numeracy/ Maths – We have been continuing to work on our addition to 10/20/100 learning . We enjoyed some time on Sum Dog. We have been learning to tell the time . Primary 1 made their own analogue clocks to help them their learning . Primary 2 did a little revision on o ‘clock and half past .

Literacy – We all enjoyed our reading books this week . We have been practising our key words.
We wrote lovely poems about the snow.
Primary 1 were learning new sounds – oo and ng.
Primary 2 had a spelling assessment to work on .

We listened to the story ‘ A Bucket Full of Kindness’. We discussed ways to be kind to ourself and others. We have a class kindness bucket we can fill.

Art – We made very cool snowmen looking up into the snowy sky. We had to do a lot of cutting and sticking for this job.

PE-We loved learning different Scottish dances. We were working with a partner and in a small group. We enjoyed running /walking the daily mile.

Outdoor learning – P2 used flour and natural materials to make snowmen and P1 worked with their P7 buddies to explore the properties of materials in their outdoor environment.

Loose Parts- In small groups we made our own snowmen and ladies .

Have a lovely weekend.
Have fun .
Take care .
Love Primary 1/2 and Mrs Carmichael:)

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