Newport Nursery wk 11.03.24

This week in the Nursery we have had Miss McKenzie, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Laing and Mrs McNeil, and Miss Higgins who will be with us in the afternoon.

This week learning is… Exploring, Predicting, Being Curious, Literacy, Mathematics, Sharing, Self-Esteem, Creativity, Motor Skills, Turn Taking, Technology, Outdoor Learning and Problem Solving.

Well another week is almost over already and in the nursery the children have been so busy developing and extending their own learning.

Outside the children have been developing their skills to design and create and range of models that r appear in their world around them. We have seen some children creating a bed to lie down on using blocks and materials, stating that

“It’s my comfy bed”.

We have seen outside children showing skills to problem solve using a range of materials, then discussing that they felt it wasn’t strong and they needed to make it stronger. So he made changes and added more items to his design.


In the art area we have seen more creative designs using a range of junk, glue, paint and a range of decorative materials. We have seen volcanoes, treasure chests, and even very tall structures that incorporated different types of junk to see how much he could add to it.

In the forest using the natural loose parts around we saw one child creating  a dinosaur world using the pine cones and sticks. Some children were seen collecting a range of berries to leave for the birds and other animals to have a picnic. They were able to share that ..

“You don’t eat the berries cause they will make you really sick, but its ok for the birds and animals”.

They were eager to share their understanding of not to eat certain foods after listening to the rules of being safe in the forest.. The children enjoyed a hot snack of a hot dog and  a hot chocolate drink alongside side the fire. Afterwards they enjoyed eating their picnic lunch that arrived in little blue boxes from the school.

Once again the children presented the forest variety show that show cased their developing talents to perform in front of an audience.

Also this week the children have been very busy developing their letter sound recognition and mark making skills naturally in their play.  One child created her images of two dolls called Raspberry and Strawberry  that she had made at home and shared these at nursery to work with the adult to create a story about these characters. This was seen when another child enjoyed creating his story of Sonic, sharing this very imaginative story with all his peers around him. Some children have enjoyed sharing a picnic with the Reading Rabbit having fun making pretend sandwiches and having a pot of tea whilst listening to a story.


We have observed a group of children engaged with the letter/word games  creating a variety of words that are familiar to them or in using the word cards with the images. Some especially enjoying playing the letter sound Bingo game.

In the snack area lots of children are developing their manipulative skills through helping to prepare snack by cutting up the fruit and vegetables, or in making their own sandwiches using skills to spread..

Today the children enjoyed participating in the Red Nose day and enjoyed being involved in some fun red nose activities too. Thank you for your kind donations to this very important event today.

All the children’s learning folders that went home this week. Could they please be return back to Nursery  by Monday if possible. Thank you.  

Dates to remember…..

Tuesday 19.03.24 –  Forest Day.


  • Can we please remind parents and carers that when dropping off in the morning and using the car park to use the white spaces only as staff members who start at 9 are unable to park due to the staff spaces being taken.

With the changing  seasonal and varied weather conditions  ☔️❄️🥶, please remember to provide your child with welly boots, waterproof clothing, hat, gloves 🧤, scarf🧣 and at least 2 full changes of clothes in your child’s bag (remember the…🧦 🧦🩲🩲 )

💭If you need to discuss the Seesaw app, particularly with setting up all functions/privacy, please speak with a member of staff.

💭Any changes to your child’s Diet or Medication? Please speak with one of the Team who can support you.

Loose Parts

We are always in need of replenishing our loose parts in nursery. If you are out and about on walks, or are planning to recycle items, can we ask that you think of us first please 😃

Here is some of the items we are looking for:

Conkers, stones, shells, tea cups, sticks, picture frames, plates, anything you think might be of used in nursery.
We are also on the lookout for two of kitchen chairs, if anyone is getting rid of them. We are looking to develop a new area in the playroom.

We hope that you all have a lovely weekend, and will see you all next week.

From all the Nursery Team.




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