Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 11/3/16

This “Rector’s Log” was copied from the old website and appears to be incomplete.  The date is missing but has been calculated from the previous post.


Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that you are well and that you are anticipating a relaxing weekend.

We’ve been especially busy in school again this week with our S4 Parent/Carer evening on Tuesday. This was a good opportunity to finalise plans for the closing stages of the SQA qualifications. For those undertaking National 4 this means completing coursework, projects and “added value” units. For National 5, it’s all about revision for the May exam and our extensive study support offer is well known to all candidates – the details go out daily on “Twitter”. We also have our “Saturday School” sessions. This Saturday it’s French, Spanish, Latin, Design and Manufacture, Graphic Communication and Engineering Science. Saturday 19 March is Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The sessions are not only for S4, but cover Higher as well as National 5 for pupils in S5/6. That said, spending time at home, or with friends, revising and going over past questions, remains the key to success in exams.

It was also a Parent Council meeting on Tuesday with the main theme being “Growth Mindset” – please see attached a copy of the little card we shared with all young people at assemblies last week. There is lots of evidence to support the view that the language we use, especially our own internal “thought language”, is really important. Please try to affect mindset and attitude at home by emphasising the use of positive language.

At the Parent Council we also discussed our ongoing emphasis on Health and Wellbeing. That very day, a group of our young people had attended the “Food Matters” national conference in Edinburgh and had been described by the organisers as having made a “brilliant” contribution. They were able to share some details of the ban we have on sugary drinks within the canteen and school building. You may recall that this came in to place in October 2013 as a result of links to obesity and diabetes. STV news also did a feature on our approach last June and there has been interest. The conference delegates were very impressed when our students, supported by Miss Mitchell, shared that we had been proactive in this field. Many delegates were keen to find out more. I must thank you for your continuing support by not including cola etc as part of a packed lunch. I am not naïve enough to think that no cola or iron brew is ever “smuggled” in to school, but our ban puts a highlight on the health risk and seems to have reduced the overall consumption.

Staying on the health theme, the first couple of weeks of our “Free Breakfast” programme has gone well with a rising uptake for pupils qualifying for free meals. Please check our website for details of how to register for free school meals – there is an income threshold which applies. We also had our jags for HPV and Meningitis on Wednesday. These went well – many thanks to the NHS Fife teams which support this.

Next week we have Yeargroup assemblies which will be led by Senior Phase students who will describe their “Learning Pathway” to younger pupils. We have a variety of “journeys” to share, with university, college and apprenticeship destinations explained. As a treat for seniors, a couple of staff will describe their own path of “lifelong learning” … with some bumps and pot holes along the way!

We also pick up the Health and Wellbeing theme again next Tuesday, with “Sexperts” sessions for S3 pupils led by our S5 “Peer Educators” – young people trained by NHS Fife to help pupils develop sensible attitudes to relationships, sex and risk taking behaviour. Our Sports Leaders will officiate at the Disability Sport Fife Badminton Championships in Glenrothes on Wednesday. On Friday, we have a fairly large number of young people who have been sponsored to run (or walk) the Sport Relief Mile at lunchtime – good luck to them.

Our S3 Assembly will also be preparation for our forthcoming “Scottish Theme” week (from 21 March) and Miss Wight, who leads on themed learning, will talk at the assembly. The S4-6 Assemblies (on Thursday and Friday) will also promote 16 year old voter registration in time for the Scottish Parliamentary Elections on 5 May. Many thanks to Miss Ashby of the Modern Studies Department, who has recruited a group of young people to help us establish our own voter registration event.

One final note, on school uniform. There is no doubt in my mind that a common dress code helps us to be a more effective school community. It defines us and links us to shared values. Please be reminded that white trainers, leggings and brightly coloured “h

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