Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 20/4/16

Dear Parent or Carer

I’m hoping that this message finds you well and that you had an enjoyable Easter holiday.

Firstly, many thanks for your exceptionally supportive feedback on the usefulness of this weekly email. All of the responses received were positive, and it seems you appreciate a regular insight into the kinds of things which are happening on a day to day basis in school.

One respondent asked if the canteen “hot meal” menu can be shared for the week ahead. I think we can manage that. Also, in response to a query about burgers … we do have, on alternate days, a steak burger with salad available. Fat and salt content are controlled, and this is not served with chips. I hope this information helps.

May I also make an apology for the unexpected application of a “spellcheck” on my last message. A new version of the “Groupcall” software has been installed and we were unaware that “corrections” would be made prior to sending. A couple of changes were made … the most obvious, and unfortunate, was that Leah Bidgood’s name was altered to Leah Bid well! So it’s an additional apology to Leah and her family. The glitch has now been fixed.

We had a good start back with Maths SQA assessments in the Hall and a meeting of the staff involved in Prizegiving. This takes place on the evening of Tuesday 14 June and is always one of the high points of the school year. Please be aware that tomorrow’s SQA “Saturday School” is Drama.

Next week we will have Yeargroup Assemblies with a focus on transition to the next stage in learning – our timetables will change on Tuesday 7 June. We’ll also continue to highlight the health dangers of sugary drinks and emphasise the link with obesity and diabetes. For S4-6, the assemblies will be extended to cover the arrangements for the SQA exams. These begin on Wednesday 4 May with Lifeskills Maths and Classics. I attach a copy of the SQA exam timetable for your information. Study leave for those taking exams is from Tues 3 May until Fri 3 June inclusive. Also next week it’s the Higher and National 5 Physical Education assessments as well as the visit of the Advanced Higher Drama assessor.

Two further highlights are a feature of next week. On Tuesday, we host a delegation of educators and health professionals, including representatives of the Dutch and Scottish Governments. We have been asked by “Education Scotland” to showcase our leading work in regard of teenage health and wellbeing – particularly in sexual health and teenage pregnancy reduction.

Next Thursday, we have more visitors from the Scottish Government’s “Education Scotland” agency. We are being judged for the finals of the Scottish Education awards. These are sponsored by the Daily Record and take place in Glasgow in June. We have been placed in the top three schools in Scotland for “STEM” Education – Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. The judges will see learning in action, and talk to staff, pupils and partners from industry to assist their decision making.

I also intend to be in contact with you about a proposed change which will affect our Guidance team. With several staffing changes likely to happen over the next wee while, and changes in the role of Guidance teachers, we plan to adjust the way we support young people and families. Full details will be issued in a letter to pupils next week. They will be encouraged to share at home, and I will also put out a copy by email. Your comments will be welcomed – and I value your support. Most young people may not really see much of a difference, whilst others may have a new Guidance teacher from the start of the new session.

Finally, as promised. Next week’s menu is; Monday: Chicken and mushroom pie with potatoes. Tuesday: Gammon steak and chips. Wednesday: Mince pie and mash. Thursday: Lasagne with garlic bread. Friday: Chicken curry with naan bread. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.

As ever, if there is anything with which we can be of assistance, please do be in touch.


Derek Allan


20 April 2016

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