Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 17/6/16

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that this message finds you well.

We had a fair few highlights last week with our CDT trip to London and “Harry Potter World”, which is at Warner Brothers Studios, Watford being one of these. Accompanied by Miss Simpson-Wands, Miss Robertson and Mr Davidson, the visits included, the Harry Potter Experience, the London Eye and a trip to the West End to see “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”.

On Monday, we held the AGM of “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School”. We are deeply indebted to “FoKHS” for the fund raising they do and the support they offer – mentoring, driving buses on trips etc.

Tuesday evening was our annual Prizegiving, and it was a fantastic showcase of talent. Academic and wider successes during the year past was recognised and we said farewell to the Class of 2016. Special guest was Harry Ritchie, former pupil, well known author and former editor of the Times Literary Supplement, now based in London. Harry delivered a light-hearted recollection of his times as a pupil here in the early 1970s. He was also honoured to present the Physics Prizes named after his late father, Bill Ritchie.

Wednesday and Thursday were our Primary Welcome Days, with 211 young people from Capshard, Fair Isle, Kirkcaldy North, Pathhead, Valley, Torbain and a few other schools following their August timetables to help them settle in. This was a great success and the evaluation returns show that the primary kids had a great time. These days will help them make friends and settle in more easily at KHS. On the Thursday Evening, as well as arranging blazer fitting with Academy Uniforms, we held a Parents’ Evening whilst the young people enjoyed a disco and barbecue.

Any parent requiring to purchase a new blazer is invited to order directly from – based in East Kilbride. Blazer orders placed online before 1 July will be delivered free of charge to KHS on 8 Aug, 1-2pm. Of course, other blazers from any other source are acceptable too. However, we think that the Academy deal at £29.50 including embroidered badge, is a very good one. Details of the Fife Council clothing grant, for families on low incomes, are available on our website.

Today, we have a Modern Languages trip to St Andrews University. Also at the University, our “First Chances” Graduates have enjoyed their residential experience. For the new S4, the Graduation Ceremony is this evening. Congratulations to Blain Aitken, Stephanie Blyth, Jasmine Burns, Skye Deacon, Ella Dews, Shannon Houston, Ryan Hume, Julia Lopatka, Fraser Roy, Lauren Scobie, Chloe Scott, Daniel Shand, Lauren Smith, Ewan Taylor, Morgan Thomson, Gabrielle Ward and Patrycja Zywicka.

The other classy do this evening is the “Class of 2016” Prom, which this year takes place at Fernie Castle near Cupar. This is always a fitting final farewell.

Next week, on Monday (20 June) we are holding the Parent Council AGM at 6.30pm. Please do come along and have your say. The Chair, Derek Dunsire, has asked me to assure you that you will not be roped into doing any specific duties! All the Office Bearer positions are in place.

On Tuesday we will have an Adam Smith House Assembly, with Carlyle on Wednesday and Oswald on Thursday. This will be the pattern for next session with House Assemblies roughly every three weeks.

The big deal next week is clearly our production of “Wizard of Oz”, which runs from Tuesday to Thursday. It should be an excellent show, with amazing original costumes, a professional band, and the cream of our school’s young talent. Tickets are available from school or on the night at only £3.50 and £2. Follow the Yellow Brick Road to KHS!

I wonder if you saw the article about Michael Grieve in the Free Free Press? Michael is a former Fair Isle Primary pupil and Dux of KHS who has gained a First Class Honours Degree in English at St Andrews (he was one of those “First Chances” pupils a few years ago) and is now trying to fund his fees for a masters degree at Cambridge University. He is doing this through Crowd Funding and would appreciate any level of donation, however small. Michael is an excellent young man and his cause is worth supporting ––2#/. Michael also featured on Radio Scotland just this morning and he is offering to write a bespoke poem for all his backers!

Also, may I offer belated congratulations to our medallists in the recent Fife Schools’ Athletics Championships. Well done to Kirstin Graham (High Jump Gold), Curtis Johnson (Javelin Silver), Chloe Dargie (High Jump Bronze), Fynn Page (Long Jump Bronze).

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Spaghetti Bolognese with garlic bread. Tuesday: Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and mash. Wednesday: Macaroni cheese with chips or garlic bread, Thursday: Steak pie and potatoes. Friday: Fish and chips. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.

On a final note, may I offer best wishes to the staff who will be moving on at the summer break. Mrs Ritchie will retire after a long and very successful career as a Guidance Teacher here, Miss Higham is taking up a post as Head of Biology at Forres Academy, Mrs Harris is heading to Woodmill High School for a promoted post in Maths, Miss Robertson of the CDT Department is moving to Waid Academy in Anstruther and Miss Simpson Wands of the same department is moving to Inverkeithing High School. I’d like to thank them all for their service and wish them good luck for the future.

We’ll also have Mrs Dempsey of the Science Department going on maternity leave – she is expecting a baby in August. Meanwhile, it’s been great to welcome back Ms Bruce of the Drama Department, whose maternity leave has just ended.

Please feel free to contact the school with any queries. Have a great weekend.

Derek Allan


17 June 2016

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