Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 26/8/16

Dear Parent/Carer


I hope that you are well and looking forward to a pleasant weekend.


We’ve had a good first full week in school with three House Assemblies; Adam Smith on Tuesday, Carlyle on Wednesday and Oswald on Thursday. It was a chance to welcome the new First Years and introduce the new House Captains – the S6 leaders who were elected by their peers to help organise events and competitions. Achiever’s ties were also presented to our SQA top exam performers.

This week our Advanced Higher Geography students attended a residential fieldwork centre at Kindrogan in Perthshire. Our Sports Ambassadors took part in a training event at St Andrews University on Wednesday. Also, one of our Higher English classes is at the Edinburgh International Book Festival today whilst another class is attending the Kirkcaldy Township Festival to see “The Invisible Hand”; a play about the life of Adam Smith, our most influential former pupil! Earlier in the week our “Wizard of Oz” costumes, made from recycled materials, were exhibited in the big marquee in the Town Square which is hosting various civic events over the next fortnight.

We also welcomed two further teaching appointees this week; Mr Huggins in Maths and Ms Mahr in Religious and Moral Education. This means that we are fully staffed for the session ahead, a pleasing situation given the shortages which are apparent in several subject areas.

Last week I mentioned the “Show My Homework” internet based homework system which we will be introducing soon. Please stand by for an email and letter from Mrs Davidson which will explain how you can track your son or daughter’s homework using the app on your phone or tablet computer. You will receive log-in details and a unique PIN number. We are finalising arrangements over the next week or so.

Next week we’ll be having Yeargroup Assemblies (S1 on Monday etc) and we’ll be going over a few of the school rules as well as instructing pupils about the “Show My Homework” app. On Tuesday evening it will be a pleasure for me to join Lachlan Duncan and Leah Bidgood at the Rotary Club meeting at the Dean Park Hotel. Lachlan and Leah will be giving a presentation about their experiences at the Rotary Leadership Camp (RYLA) in the Cairngorms during the summer holidays. I know that it was an inspiring and very memorable experience for them both, and that they have made new friends from all over Scotland. Many thanks to the Rotary Club of Kirkcaldy. It is also a “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” meeting on the Tuesday evening. If you would like to join this excellent support group, please contact Mrs Davidson in the school.

Looking ahead, please do consider coming along to our Parent Council Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 13 September. As well as the usual business of an AGM, I will explain some of the details behind our SQA exam results and Miss Diamond will explain how we are rewriting our anti-bullying policy to reflect new guidelines and also trends in social media use etc. She would welcome your input to our new policy, which is currently being developed.

That same week we’ll have a parent/carer information evening for all students in S6, on Thursday 8th September at 6pm. The evening is to provide information regarding next steps for S6 students – including applications, deadlines and support for UCAS, college, apprenticeship and employment. A letter with details will be out early next week with a reply slip for you to confirm attendance or not, due in at the end of the week. Thanks.

I would also remind you of the entitlement which low income families have to free school meals (at £9.75 per week) and a Fife Council clothing grant (at £55 per year). Please check out our website for details. These are on the side bar on our home page.

Also, staying with digital matters, please do bear in mind that all our doings are detailed and recorded (often with photographic evidence!) on Twitter on a daily basis. We have the most extensive following of any Fife school and you can join up @KirkcaldyHigh … it really is a simple, instant and very useful news service. For example, achievements, school trips, reminders, study support opportunities, the canteen menu and details of school clubs and events are posted daily. Please join us.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Chicken and mushroom pie with potatoes. Tuesday: Gammon steak and chips. Wednesday: Mince pie and mash. Thursday: Lasagne with garlic bread. Friday: Chicken curry with naan bread. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.

On a final note, I would be very grateful if you would take part in a consultation on our curriculum. We are starting to review what we teach, why we do things in certain ways and even the very principles upon which we operate. As vital partners, all parents/carers are invited to complete a short questionnaire (attached). Maybe you could download and complete this digitally then return it to this email address. Alternatively, you can print it off and have your son/daughter return it to school. I’ll also include a print copy in the letter which goes out next week re “Show My Homework”. Many thanks in advance. Pupils, teachers, support staff and partners (including local employers) will also be asked for their views over the coming weeks.

Do have a great weekend, and do be in contact if we can help with any issue.


Yours aye


Derek Allan

26 August 2016

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