Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 27/1/17

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to the weekly news, the latest from your school. I’m hoping that you are well. It’s been the busiest week of the year so far here at KHS, with much to report.

Our assemblies were on the theme of Holocaust Remembrance and were very well led by Ashley Davidson and Josh Binnington, who visited Auschwitz as part of an international education programme at the end of last year. Thanks to both, who delivered an informative and moving account of their experience. Their message was a simple one; when hatred and division are the basis of our actions, especially from those who have political power, everybody loses. Tolerant and fair societies are the only ones which can thrive in the long run. We also had additional inputs from the Teenage Cancer Trust, with S2 on the Tuesday, and the Sutton Trust on Friday. As I explained last week, the Trust assists working class kids to gain university entry and organises special “summer schools” to help widen access through building confidence amongst those for whom university is not a usual “destination”. The talk was aimed at S5 and quite a good number of young people have signed up. Thanks to Shauni and Alisha (S6) who gave a short talk about their experiences on the programme last year. We have a particularly strong link with St Andrews University, our partner institution as part of this, and I must recognise their commitment to widening access.

Tuesday was a particularly busy day with Matthew Fitt, the well-known author in Scots visiting the school. Matthew has been a brilliant supporter of KHS and we are proud to promote the mither tongue whenever we can. We often find that when bairns get the chance to speak or write naturally, it sparks a new interest in words or literature. It’s especially apt given it’s the week we remember Burns. We also had a jobs talk about occupational therapy in the Boardroom at lunchtime and in the afternoon, we welcomed “Bright Green Hydrogen”, who led practical sessions on renewable energy with all S1 girls. This was an excellent event, with robots, problem solving and group tasks. Thanks to “Bright Green”, based at Methil.

In the afternoon and evening, our Guidance team was heavily involved in course choice interviews. I must thank the staff for their commitment to get it right for all, and it really helps to have parent/carer involvement too. Well done to Mrs Houston and all the team. After school, we hosted CPR life saving training for a group of staff and in the evening, Mrs Aitken and Miss Diamond were joined by pupils to deliver our transition roadshow in Torbain and Capshard primaries. Once again, these events were very well attended and we had some great questions.

Our annual Burns Supper (although it was a bit early in the day!) was held at lunchtime on Wednesday, 25 January – the meal was prepared and served by pupils and, as you would expect, we had poetry and song. Thanks to Dr Murray, our organiser; it was fair braw. In the afternoon, our U13 football team took on Our Lady’s High School of Cumbernauld in the last 16 of the Scottish Shield and I’m delighted to say that they now go through to the quarter finals after a fine 4-2 victory.

Yesterday we hosted a meeting of the Templehall Youth Action Group at lunchtime, and after school, Miss Ashby of the Social Studies Department, took a group of S2 pupils to the Scottish Parliament to take part in “round table” consultation/discussion about young person’s views of court proceedings. Also, our S6 Prom Committee were along at Forrester Park Resort near Dunfermline to sample the menus for our leavers’ Prom which takes place on Friday 16 June. Well done the committee and thanks to Mr I’Anson and the other staff who support the group. It’s always a lovely farewell as our leavers go on to the next stage.

This morning, Mrs Davidson and Miss McIntosh attended a meeting at Levenmouth Academy to discuss work placements and business/industry mentoring. This is becoming one of the strongest themes of our school. In the past few weeks we have established new links with several local businesses (including Dom Migele, hairdressers) and we have become more heavily involved in a programme of Foundation Modern Apprenticeships with Fife College. If you have a business or are part of any organisation which can help our young people become more “job ready”, please do ask for myself or Mrs Davidson. We’d love to discuss the possibilities. It could well prove a good recruitment gateway for local employers too. As usual, the weekly jobs bulletin is attached – thanks to Miss Nessel and Miss McIntosh, our employability team.

Next week looks pretty busy too! We have Hospitality prelims on every day and on Monday afternoon there is talk about engineering opportunities. It is delivered by “OGTAP” with a special focus on the oil and gas industry. We welcome the presenter Kiti Keleman from OPITO.

The Assemblies are House based (Tuesday to Thursday) and the theme is Diversity and Equality with a special spotlight on LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) issues, led by our in-school support group. We’ll also ask all pupils to stand up against homophobic bullying by signing a “charter” to say that they will not be a “bystander”.

On the Tuesday we’ll be joined by Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Scottish Government Minister for Further and Higher Education and Science who will  meet with a group of KHS girls who will talk about “STEM” careers and attitudes to science. The minister is keen to tackle the “gender gap” in engineering and science … so are we.

In the evening, we have a Parent Council meeting at 6pm and all are welcome. We’ll be discussing school governance and “direct funding” from the Scottish Government in order to support the attainment and achievement of the young people most affected by poverty. With that in mind, those involved will then join our S1 Literacy focus evening set up by our English Department, many thanks to Mrs Hume and her team. Parents/carers received a letter home on Monday – we hope to see many of you there from 6.30pm

On Wednesday afternoon we are holding aptitude tests for the Arkwright Engineering Scholarships. This is a fantastic programme which offers mentoring and financial support to young people across the UK. I’m delighted to say, that over the last 10 years, KHS has won more of these engineering scholarships than any other state school in Scotland. Good luck to this year’s applicants.

On the theme of mentoring, Thursday sees our “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” supporters offering further advice to the S5 pupils undertaking a programme of 5 Highers. I must thank them for all their assistance with this programme. It’s also the Intermediate UK Maths Challenge – good luck to those involved and thanks to Miss Grubb for her work with this.

On Friday, our S2 Reports should be ready to post home. Our “Learning Fair” which looks at next steps is 22 February, and our Parent/Carer Evening is 1 March. Also next Friday morning we will hold the Fife College “Roadshow” in the Hall. All those considering a college pathway are invited and we thank our FE partners for their continued close engagement with the school.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Beef & Black Bean Sauce with Rice/Noodles or Sweet Chilli chicken with Rice/Noodles – we’re celebrating the Chinese New Year! Tuesday: Gammon steak and chips. Wednesday: Mince pie and mash. Thursday: Lasagne with garlic bread. Friday: Chicken curry with naan bread. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.

The other attachment this week is a letter explaining our involvement with the University of St Andrews in a survey about young people’s attitudes to healthy living – especially their view of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, advertising, plain packaging etc. All KHS pupils are invited to take part next month. Please contact the school (asking for Mrs Davidson) or the University if you need to know more.

Finally, please come along to the “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” Ceilidh on Friday March 10. It’s a brilliant evening of dancing and other entertainments with a fish supper and refreshments. In the last few years, the ceilidh has raised over £10000 for school funds, which has gone to upgrade school facilities and to help kids from less well-off backgrounds take part in school activities. Please see “Twitter” posts. You can call 01592 583405 to book a place or a table.

As always, please do be in touch if you need help or advice. You’ll find our website and tweets to be very useful sources of information, but we also have our “first contact” Guidance team who are happy to help in any way. Myself and the Depute team can also be at your service if required.

On the theme of Twitter, can you help us win new sports gear for the school? All you have to do is check out @FifeSchoolSport then “retweet” their competition tweet with “Kirkcaldy High School” or @KirkcaldyHigh in the message. The school with the most mentions wins £500 worth of sports equipment. Many thanks.

A’ the best to you. Please forgive me finishing with a line from Burns; “like the snow falls in the river, a moment white then melts for ever.” Do make the most of the weekend … and make the most of what you have and value as your most precious.

Derek Allan


27 January 2017

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