Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 15/2/17

Dear Parent/Carer

This update comes early – as you know there is a training day for staff and 2 days holiday this week. I hope you enjoy the (long … for some!) weekend.

Our week started with our Employability Fair on Monday afternoon and evening. All parents/carers of young people in S4-S6 were invited to join us and I must thank Miss McIntosh and Miss Nessel who organised the event so very well. A great range of education partners were in attendance, including the Universities of Edinburgh, Dundee, Stirling and St Andrews as well as Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. We also had many local and nationally significant employers, including BAE Systems, Babcock, Kwik Fit, Leonardo (which used to be known as Selex), Network Rail, EDF Energy, BAM, the Law Society of Scotland, Byron Hairdressing, PDSA, Fife Voluntary Action, Police Scotland, the Fire Service, the RAF, the Army and Fife Council. I’m sure that this engagement will have helped so many young people have a clearer idea about a potential “pathway” or “destination” after school. It was good to chat with parents/carers on the evening.

Looking ahead, please remember that from next Monday, the times of the Stagecoach KC1, KC2 and KC3 buses will change. The KC1 will now depart Redcraigs at 8.15am (5 minutes earlier), the KC2 leaves the Bus Station at 8.10am (10 minutes earlier) and the KC3 leaves the Glamis Turning Circle at 8.15am (5 minutes earlier). This should ensure that no-one is late for school in the morning due to bus problems.

Also next week we’ll have 2 yeargroup assemblies for S1 (Monday) and S2 (Tuesday). There will be a special input on teenage mental health issues with a guest from the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH). There will also be vaccinations for S3 (against Meningitis C, Diphtheria and Polio) and a training session for our S4 “peer mentors” who will be delivering “Boozebusters” alcohol awareness sessions for S2 next Friday.

Good luck to Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes (both S2) on Tuesday evening, when they compete in the first round of the Scottish Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Public Speaking Competition against Auchmuty and Inverkeithing High Schools.

On Wednesday morning, I’ll be attending the Kirkcaldy Area Committee of Fife Council to discuss the school’s recent successes and future plans in respect of young people’s exam attainment and wider achievement. We’ll also be hosting Disability Fife football on our astroturf and will have a special input from about 12.30pm for all S5/6 pupils. We have a special VIP guest speaker to mark LGBT History Month … I am not allowed to reveal more at this time, but our visitor is a major international celebrity! You’ll know we are committed to equality in its broadest sense and to tackling homophobia in all forms. This opportunity has arisen as a result of our status as a Stonewall “Champion” school. The S5/6 will have a later lunch that day and Mrs Aitken and I will meet with them on the Tuesday to explain. Any S5/6 student who needs to be home for just after 1pm should not attend the talk, which will last until about 1.30pm.

The other big event for Wednesday is our S2 “Learning Fair” which will take place in the Hall before lunch and then on Wednesday evening from 6.30pm, when parents/carers are invited. It’s a good chance to get a clearer picture about curriculum options and course choice.

On Thursday evening there is a Drama Department trip to see “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night” at the King’s Theatre in Edinburgh.

On Friday, you can expect the S5/6 reports to be sent home. We’re also holding a staff v pupils netball match at lunchtime – this will be to help raise funds for our netball training camp in Barcelona next year.

Saturday school on February 25 will be French and Technology subjects (Graphic Communications, Design and Manufacture and Engineering Science). Students should take this chance to help improve their SQA exam grade.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Spaghetti Bolognese with garlic bread. Tuesday: Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and mash. Wednesday: Macaroni cheese with chips or garlic bread, Thursday: Steak pie and potatoes. Friday: Fish and chips. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.  Do remember that a cup of home-made soup is available free to all young people at lunchtime.

A wee reminder about our FoKHS Ceilidh on Friday 10 March at 7pm.  Ticket sales are going well and a few are still available.  Please call 01592 583405 to book your place or table.

As I say, do have a great weekend. All the very best to you.

Derek Allan

15 February 2017

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