Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 10/3/17

Dear Parent/Carer


Welcome to the latest KHS email update … I hope that you and your family are well.

Last week’s Saturday School was English, and I am delighted to report that it was particularly well attended, with over 100 young people in school for extra exam support. Tomorrow we have Latin, Classical Studies, Spanish, Design and Manufacture, Graphic Communication and Engineering Science on offer. Many thanks to the staff for their commitment to this SQA study programme.

The week past was another busy one with several highlights including our concert at Chapel Level Care home on Monday afternoon – I understand that this was very well received. We also had House Assemblies (Tues – Thurs) to celebrate British Science Week. As well as the fun of the interactive science demonstrations, Ms Mahr of the RME Department told young people about the humanitarian work she is undertaking in Africa over the Easter holidays. Before her visit to Rwanda, she is asking for contributions of stationery items to help a street kids education project in Kigali, the capital city. On Tuesday, we also had a trip to Glenrothes for those interested in a Modern Apprenticeship in the Army, as well as a careers talk from Scottish Water for our Engineering Science students.

On Tuesday evening, we hosted the AGM of Kirkcaldy Foodbank and I was honoured to have been asked to be the guest speaker. My talk focussed on the negative impact which living in poverty tends to have on learning and I explained some of the things which KHS does to lessen that impact. I also spoke of the “Pupil Equity Fund” – the Scottish Government’s direct grant which will support our efforts to “close the gap” over the next sessions. Some of our pupils were part of it too, which is only right as they have been very active supporters. Liam Lindsay (S6) talked about our fund raising and the collections we have made and Mrs Nelson and her personal Development pupils laid on refreshments.

On Wednesday and also today we welcomed a group of 50 young people and staff from Vannes School in Brittany. Mrs Morris (Head of Languages) set up a varied and interesting programme for our French visitors, who have been very complimentary about KHS. Thanks to everyone who has made them so welcome. We also had a “Go4SET” visit to Brand-Rex in Glenrothes as part of the national STEM competition on Wednesday. That same day we had a “First Chances” trip to St Andrews University. This is an excellent wider access project which involves groups of young people with no family background of university life being mentored by undergraduate students to complete an academic study. There is also a week long residential experience and a graduation ceremony. We are pleased to receive such great support from St Andrews. On Wednesday evening our Drama pupils once again performed “Three” in conjunction with the National Theatre of Scotland. It was a terrific piece of work; funny, thought provoking and a bit edgy. I was a very proud headteacher.  Our pupils now take their work to the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh on Wednesday 22 March. Get along if you can … you won’t be disappointed.

This afternoon, our U13 football team are playing Dumfries High School in the quarter final of the Scottish Shield, very best wishes to them. The week ends with our annual fund raising Ceilidh tonight. It is organised by “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” and our own Mrs Davidson (Depute Head). Thanks to all who have bought tickets or donated raffle prizes. I’m looking forward to what will be a great night with the Bert Pozzi Band and we hope to raise another £3000 or so to support our work. Many thanks to FoKHS … we are lucky to have such a proactive group of supporters.

Next week we’ll have a Biology trip to Dundee Science Centre on the Monday as well as a Friends of KHS mentoring session for our S5 pupils who are sitting 5 Highers. We are also holding SQA Music performance exams and in the evening it’s the Fourth Year Parent/Carer Evening. This will be a great opportunity to get any issues resolved in time for course completion or exams in May.

On Tuesday we are marking “Pi Day” by having themed activities across the school. The focus will be on circles and triangles in recognition of the achievements of Pythagoras. The 14th of March is chosen as it translates (US style) as 3.14 … get it?

On Tuesday evening, I do hope that you can come along at 6pm for a special event. We are having a focus on Teenage Drugs and Alcohol Issues. Representatives from the school, support agencies such as DAPL and “Clued Up”, and the Police will share information on drugs, alcohol and new psycho-active substances – or so-called “legal highs”.  It should be a great opportunity to learn more about these issues and give parents/carers a better understanding. If you haven’t already done so, please respond to this email if you are able to come along. Thanks to those of you who responded last week.

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we are hosting NHS Fife nurses who will administer HPV vaccinations to S1 and S2. On the Wednesday, our Higher Geography students will attend a special Conference at St Andrews University and on Thursday, the University’s “Geobus” will hold earthquake “workshops” in school. Also on the Wednesday, there is an Engineering Science trip to visit FMC Technologies in Dunfermline.

Over the weekend, we’ll have several groups of young people involved in the Adam Smith Festival of Ideas, organised by the Adam Smith Global Foundation. Mrs Meek, Ms Young are I are accompanying groups of young people to seminars, lectures and various events. I’m looking forward to Friday when I’ll be joined by Lachlan Duncan and Shauni Boyd (both S6) to the reception and lecture being delivered by Ed Balls, former Chancellor of the Exchequer. Another eight of our pupils will also attend the lecture. In all, about 25 young people, all of whom are interested in politics, are taking part in events.

Our Saturday School next weekend is Biology, Chemistry and Physics at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Steak Fajita. Tuesday: Gammon steak and chips. Wednesday: Butter Chicken with rice or noodles. Thursday: Lasagne with garlic bread. Friday: Chicken curry with naan bread. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.  Do remember that a cup of home-made soup is available free to all young people at lunchtime.

Please feel free to be in touch for help or support – your son or daughter’s Guidance Teacher is the usual first point of contact. PLEASE REPLY BY EMAIL IF YOU CAN COME ALONG NEXT TUESDAY EVENING.

On a final note, very best wishes to Mrs McCormick of the English Department, who leaves us today to take up a post in Falkirk. Mrs McCormick has been a great asset to KHS and will be sorely missed by us all. Thanks and good luck.

And good luck to you too!

Derek Allan


10 March 2017

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