Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 31/3/17

Dear Parent/Carer

It’s actually quite scary to think that the term is over. How quickly does the time fly by? I hope you are well. Very best wishes for the forthcoming break from the routine.

Last week’s message was sent out a couple of hours before we contested the U13 Scottish Schools Football Association Shield semi-final against Portobello High School. KHS won 2-1! Goals from Jordan Tosh and Charlie Ramsay saw us through to a national final for the first time since 1981. It’s a brilliant achievement and I am so proud of all the boys.  Also, many thanks to Mr English and Mr I’Anson for their excellent coaching and leadership. We now play Lourdes Secondary School from Glasgow in the final. This will take place on Wednesday 3 May at Ochilview, the home of Stenhousemuir FC, with a 7.30pm kick off. We intend to run a supporters’ bus from school.

This week we’ve had further SQA exams, in Hospitality and Drama. We’ve also had House assemblies (Tuesday to Thursday) with an input from Ken Froude, our school chaplain. These were real “Time for Reflection” assemblies on the theme of forgiveness. I must thank Ken for a particularly apt message.

There was also a “First Chances” tutoring session after school on Wednesday, with support from under-graduates from St Andrews University. The week ends today with our usual “Dress Down Day”, this time in support of the Cottage Family Centre in Templehall.

All the best to Ms Mahr of the RME Department, who is heading off to undertake voluntary work in Rwanda over the holidays, and thanks to all who contributed to the gift box she is taking for the street kids’ project in Kigali. Also, best wishes to Miss McIntosh, Miss Malcolm, Miss Ashby, Miss Mitchell and the 40 girls who are off to our netball training camp in Barcelona next Friday. Having seen the itinerary, I know it will be a packed programme … and great fun too.

It’s been great to see such a good turnout for all our study support classes including our regular “Saturday School” sessions. Please remember that we have our “Easter School” running over the next couple of weeks. Also, please find attached a copy of the SQA exam timetable. It should help the families of S4-6 pupils plan ahead over the coming 10 weeks or so.

Week beginning Monday 17 April we’ll issue a paper version of our latest newsletter and have Yeargroup Assemblies. Ms Mahr will share some stories from her volunteering in Rwanda. On the Tuesday evening we have SQA acting performances from 7pm and Wednesday will be a special S6 Games Night in the staffroom. It’ll be good for them to enjoy some social time together just before their last set of school exams. Before long it’ll be time for them to move on to new challenges.

Thursday’s assembly will be for all of S4-6 and will cover SQA exam arrangements. On Thursday evening, Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes represent Fife in the Sheriffdom finals of the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Public Speaking. It involves schools from Tayside and Central Scotland as well as KHS and takes place at Perth Sheriff Court. Good luck to the girls, they have done us proud and were presented with “Achiever’s Ties” at assembly yesterday. There is also a meeting of the “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” on Thursday 20 April.

The week ends with our employability trip to the Kwik Fit Academy at Broxburn on Friday afternoon. Young people interested in the motor trade should see Mrs Davidson about the trip.

The menu first week back is; Monday: Spaghetti Bolognese with garlic bread. Tuesday: Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and mash. Wednesday: Macaroni cheese with chips or garlic bread, Thursday: Pork sausage casserole with potatoes and Vegetables. Friday: Breaded Fish/Steakbake with chips and peas. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.  Do remember that a cup of home-made soup is available free to all young people at lunchtime.

You will be aware from previous messages that we are moving over to a new online payments system for meals, school trips etc. during the first week back. It’s a Fife Council initiative called iPayImpact you should soon receive an email with your unique code and information about how to register. I understand that cash can still be used in school, but the new system should allow flexibility and allow you to ensure that school dinner money goes on school dinners!

On that theme of nutrition, please discourage your son/daughter from visiting the Shell Service Station on Hendry Road at lunchtime. Quite a number of our young people gather there at the bakery and sandwich shop. The big problem, apart from the largely unhealthy menu on offer, is that the forecourt is a busy and dangerous environment. I am concerned that a young person could easily be injured by a moving vehicle. I hope that the new payments system for school meals will be a way to encourage pupils to stay in school. You, as a parent, now have a bit more control.

We have an excellent canteen and over the next few weeks the menus are being improved with a greater variety. We are also opening a new “fast food” kiosk in the playground serving baguettes, pastries and “proper” coffee. There is no need for young people to leave school at lunchtime.

Please be advised that the PE department is introducing a new kit policy starting after the break. It is designed to keep pupils actively engaged in all lessons, in order for them to develop their knowledge and understanding of Health and Wellbeing. In order to be engaged in all lessons, we expect pupils to be fully changed for PE, despite any injury or illness. Pupils should still bring a note from their parents or carers to let us know what the injury or illness is. Pupils can then take part in modified activity or assist the teacher in a variety of ways such as organising resources, officiating or completing a task observing the lesson and providing feedback. These tasks are central to Curriculum for Excellence. Numeracy, literacy, leadership and communication skills will be developed along with building confidence. If a pupil will not assist with this it will be thought reasonable that a sanction is issued, even if a note is provided. The sanction is usually some written work away from the PE Dept. We don’t expect pupils to be sitting on the sidelines watching others take part. I hope that this is clear. Please continue to provide a note if there is a problem.

Looking ahead, please be aware that Monday 1 May is a public holiday and Thursday 4 May is an in-service training day, timed to coincide with the local elections. Our SQA exam study leave for S4-6 begins on Tues 2 May and our young people return on Friday 2 June for their Induction to S5/6.

Do have an excellent break from school. Best wishes to those studying for exams … and remember to make good use of our Easter school classes. Next Monday we have Computing and Care.

School returns on Monday 17 April.

Fond regards

Derek Allan


31 March 2017

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