Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 21/4/17

Dear Parent/Carer

I’m hoping that you are well … welcome to the new term at Kirkcaldy High. It was good to see that our SQA “Easter School” classes were so well attended. Thanks again to Miss Diamond for collating the programme, and to all the staff who gave up a portion of their holiday.

On returning after the Easter break, we issued a paper version of our latest newsletter. Just in case it didn’t make it home to you … accidents will happen, please find an electronic edition attached!

We also had Yeargroup Assemblies this week. Ms Mahr shared some really heart-warming stories from her volunteering trip to Rwanda and I was especially impressed that the laddie who was top of his class (of 72 pupils) was delighted to be presented with a Rovers strip which had been donated by a First Year here. At the assembly, Mr Stewart also emphasised the new rules about participation in PE lessons. On Tuesday evening we had SQA acting performances and Wednesday was a special S6 Games Night in the staffroom. It was good for the “Class of 2017” to enjoy some social time together just before their last set of school exams. It’ll soon be time for them to move on to new challenges. Thursday’s Assembly was for all of S4-6 and covered SQA exam arrangements.

Last night, Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes represented Fife in the Sheriffdom finals of the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Public Speaking. This involved schools from Tayside and Central Scotland as well as Fife and took place at Perth Sheriff Court. We were up against Grove Academy from Broughty Ferry and McLaren High School from Callander. I am delighted to say that KHS won and we now progress to the national semi-final next month. The girls will be up against schools from Grampian and the Highlands and Islands jurisdictions. The girls were on sparkling form and gave passionate speeches about ending the stigma of mental health. Many thanks to David Torrance MSP, who put a motion of congratulations to the Scottish Parliament after the girls won the Fife final last month.

There was also a meeting of the “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” last night at which a date was set for their fund raising race night to be held in school. Please keep Friday 3 November free if you are interested, more details in due course.

Next week we’ll have House Assemblies led by our leavers from the Class of 2017. It’s always quite emotional and I know that the staff always find it hard to realise that children of only a few years ago are now young adults … best of luck to all our leavers.

On Tuesday evening, one of those leavers will take centre stage at the Dean Park Hotel. Best wishes to Ashley Davidson (S6), who will be reporting back to Kirkcaldy Rotary Club on her recent “Euroscola” trip to the European Parliament in Strasbourg sponsored by the Club. It was a highly competitive process and I am looking forward to Ashley’s presentation. Also in attendance will be Chloe McGlashan and Kyle Dick (both S5), our successful RYLA Leadership Camp candidates, who have won places on this amazing Outward Bound course in the Cairngorms this summer.

On Wednesday we have a rather special hi-tech science input when large groups of young people will be offered the chance to undertake a “virtual reality” tour of a world landmark such as the Taj Mahal etc. or even the surface of the moon! Many thanks to the Google educational team, who are providing this brilliant opportunity.

On Thursday we’ll be busy; our S1 Girls’ Netball Team is involved in the Fife tournament, it’s the Junior UK Maths Challenge and we have a team competing in the Faraday Science Competition at Glenrothes High School.

Friday will be the last day in school before the SQA exams as study leave begins after the May Day holiday. S6 will finish up at lunchtime after picking up their year book in the morning, completing the traditional mural, and shedding a tear or two at our farewell get together in the library.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Butter chicken tikka masala with rice and vegetables. Tuesday: Grilled sausage/burger (veggie/beef/chicken) with chips and baked beans. Wednesday: Roast chicken and gravy with potatoes and vegetables. Thursday: Savoury mince cobbler with potatoes and vegetables. Friday: Breaded Fish/sausage roll with chips and peas. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.  Do remember that a cup of home-made soup is available free to all young people at lunchtime.

You will be aware from previous messages that we have moved over to a new online payments system for meals, school trips etc. It’s a Fife Council initiative called iPayImpact you should have received an email with your unique code and information about how to register. Cash can still be used in school, but the new system should allow flexibility and allow you to ensure that school dinner money is spent appropriately. The switch over has been quite smooth so far.

As I mentioned at the end of last term, please do discourage your son/daughter from leaving the school grounds at lunchtime.  For example, the Shell Service Station on Hendry Road is a busy and dangerous environment. I am concerned that a young person could be injured by a moving vehicle. We also had an incident at the Co-op on Lauder Road on Monday, when a pupil was assaulted by a member of the public, who appeared to be the worse for drink. As I say, it’s safer in school.

Looking ahead, Monday 1 May is a public holiday and Thursday 4 May is an in-service training day, timed to coincide with the local elections. Our SQA exam study leave for S4-6 begins on Tues 2 May and our young people return on Friday 2 June for their Induction to S5/6. I have attached a copy of our SQA “Masterclass” timetable. The day before an exam there is the opportunity for a young person to come in to school to do some last minute revision with a subject teacher present. It’s a good chance to get some advice and practice just before the big day.

I have also attached a letter from Mrs Davidson (Depute) about the SQA study leave arrangements. This will be for S4-6 from Tuesday 2 May until Thursday 1 June inclusive.

As always, if we can support you or your family in any way, please call.

Aye yours

Derek Allan

21 April 2017

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