Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 9/6/17

Dear Parent/Carer

I’m hoping that this weekly message finds you in good fettle. Best wishes to you.

After Monday’s Public Holiday, we moved to the new timetable on Tuesday. This process went very smoothly, in no small measure due to the meticulous work undertaken by Mrs Aitken, our timetabler. It’s one of the most important jobs in the school and Mrs Aitken has become adept at balancing all the different elements, including Fife College courses, the Foundation Apprenticeship programme which we offer and all the other competing demands.

During the day we held assemblies for all yeargroups at which we had a time for reflection and a minute of silence to show respect for the victims of the terrorist atrocities in recent weeks. The message was the one which has been a big part of the City of Manchester’s response, that hate cannot be beaten by more hate, and that hate can never heal divisions. Terrorism is a complex issue which requires a thoughtful, measured and vigilant response. Respect for others has never been more important than it is right now.

The Yearheads also delivered important messages about the year ahead and I was particularly impressed by Mr Young’s sporting analogy. He looked at the preparations and attitude of the All Blacks rugby team and urged our young people to take a few lessons to ensure success, in their exams and in life. I wonder if you know what keeping a “blue head” is all about?

We also had a group of 35 young people competing in the Fife Schools’ Athletics Championships at Pitreavie … our best ever representation and I must thank Miss Malcolm for her work with this. Congratulations go to our medallists: S1 Girls 4x100m Relay – Silver, S1 Boys 4x100m Relay – Silver, S2 Boys 4x100m Relay – Silver, Scott Graves in the S1 100m – Silver, Katie Robertson in the S1 100m – Bronze, Sean Stewart in the U15 200m – Gold and Chloe Dargie in the U17 High Jump – Bronze.

At the end of the day on Tuesday it was a pleasure to welcome Matthew Elder, the Sports Editor of the Fife Free Press (and a former KHS pupil) for our Sports Colours Ceremony. Those who have consistently represented the school in netball, football and basketball were recognised and other sporting achievements such as the contribution of our “Sports Leaders” was also rewarded. It was also the time when our Saltire Volunteer Award winners received their certificates, the new Prefects received their badges and the Head Boy and Girl for the year ahead were announced. I must thank Matthew for his words of advice and encouragement to our young people. He is a credit to his old school and remains one of the Rovers’ most passionate advocates despite that being an emotionally draining experience at times!

Pupil Leadership Team 2017-2018

Pupil Leadership Team 2017-2018

Well done to our Sports Colours recipients, our sixty or so Saltire volunteers and our sixty strong team of new prefects. Special congratulations go to Osama Aslam, Emma Fenton, Lucie Jones, Craig Kelly, Christy Ritchie and Sean Saunders, who have been appointed to the Prefect Leadership Team as Depute Heads. Last week’s election, which was open to all S6 and all staff, decided our Head Boy and Head Girl for 2017-2018 and I am delighted to announce that these positions will be filled by Jay Elder and Isla Wright. I’m confident that they will be superb ambassadors and leaders.

Today is especially busy. We have a “STEM” trip to Glasgow Science Centre (organised by our Science Department) and a fieldwork visit to Shell Bay near Elie by our Higher Geography class. They will be studying coastal erosion and scenery supported by the University of St Andrews. We also have a group of young people taking part in the Young Citizen Advocate programme at Dunfermline High School and our Prince’s Trust XL group will compete in the Fife tennis championships, also at Dunfermline.

Tomorrow, Mr English and Mr Young of the PE Department will take a bus load through to Hampden for the big match – the World Cup Qualifier between Scotland and England. We live in hope.

Next week will be another exceptionally busy one for us with a special S3 assembly on Monday morning. It is the official launch of the Youth Philanthropy Initiative which I explained last week. We’ll also give details of the S3 “Enrichment” programme which includes a Modern Language short course and a further short course in “Career Management Skills”. Also, our new crop of “First Chances” students (new S3) will have their first taste of university life at St Andrews. They have a 3 day residential “Summer School” with lectures and seminars supported by undergraduates. We have 20 young people involved and it’s a chance for those with no family experience of Higher Education to sample something new. Also, Academy Uniforms will be in school on Monday evening, 5-7pm. Blazers are £31.50 and they will also have jumpers and cardigans available with KHS embroidered on them.

Tuesday is our annual Prizegiving, a real highlight in the school calendar. It will be a pleasure to welcome Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, the Government Minister for Further and Higher Education as our principal guest.

Then, on Wednesday and Thursday we welcome the P7 pupils who will make up our new First Year from August. They will be placed in their new classes and will follow a normal timetable over the two days. Also on Wednesday, our “Enterprising Maths” team will compete in the Fife competition at Glenrothes High School. Here’s hoping they can do as well as last year, when KHS won through to the Scottish final in Glasgow.

On Thursday morning, our P7 visitors will join the rest of the school in our annual “Brake Walk” around Dunnikier Park and along the busy road. Young people will carry banners and placards urging drivers to slow down near the school.

As this is happening, I’ll be joined by Shauni Boyd (last session’s S6) and Cameron Bowie (S5) at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. KHS has been asked to give evidence to the Equality and Human Rights Committee about our proactive approaches to tackling bullying and creating an inclusive school environment. The committee has heard that KHS is a welcoming and tolerant school which takes issues of equality and diversity very seriously. The MSPs want to hear more before advising the Government about new policy directions. It is quite an accolade for us to have been asked to do this.

Also on Thursday, we have a small delegation of teachers from Italy who are visiting KHS as part of an “Erasmus” study programme. I’m sure that our visitors will find much to take back to their schools.

On Thursday evening we have a parent/carer evening for the P7 parents. Guidance teachers will meet groups of parents/carers. Senior staff and our new Head Boy and Girl will also give short talks on relevant subjects. At the same time, the P7 pupils will have a disco/barbecue to keep them occupied. We also have a further uniform sales session from 6.30-8pm (or earlier for P7 parents/carers).

Next week ends with our leavers’ Prom at Forrester Park Resort, Dunfermline. It will be the final farewell for the Class of 2017. I did say it was a busy week!

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Stovies with crusty bread and turnip. Tuesday: Chicken korma with boiled rice and vegetables. Wednesday: Sweet chilli beef with noodles and vegetables. Thursday: Steak pie with potatoes and vegetables. Friday: Breaded Fish/scotch pie with chips and peas. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.  Do remember that a cup of home-made soup is available free to all young people at lunchtime.

We are always here to help, please be in touch if you require any support. Remember that our website is a useful source of information and that you can follow @KirkcaldyHigh for our Twitter updates … this is a great way of keeping up with events in school and we have well over 2000 followers.

Aye yours

Derek Allan
9 June 2017

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