Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 23/6/17

Dear Parent/Carer

I’m hoping that this regular message finds you well.

Last Friday was our leavers’ Prom at Forrester Park Resort, Dunfermline. It was the final farewell for the Class of 2017. They were joined by a large group of staff and it was a lovely occasion. We had a few tears, but above all it was a very fitting celebration of six years at KHS. Special congratulations go to the Prom Queen and King, Lauren Kerr and Liam Lindsay.

Rural and Urban Training Scheme

Rural and Urban Training Scheme

This week has been a very productive one, with lots of rich and diverse activities for many different groups of learners. For example, all week we’ve had a mobile workshop set up in the astroturf car park. It’s been a special work experience for a group of young people in S4, and they’ve been working on motorbikes supported by “RUTS”, the Rural and Urban Training Scheme. Today sees our group go off-road biking at Knockhill. It’s been a great success, have a look at the photos on “Twitter” @KirkcaldyHigh.

Also on Monday we had a team competing for the Strathmore Trophy at the Computing Department of Dundee University, a group of 10 out attending a medical based work experience at Ninewells Hospital (also in Dundee) and in the afternoon we had a STEM Showcase event in the Hall for all those in S5/6 taking science or engineering subjects. This was supported by Fife College, Bright Green Hydrogen and the RAF.

We had House assemblies on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It was great to introduce the recently elected House Captains. Adam Smith: Cameron Plimer, Luke McQueen, Katie Love and Sarah Cook. Carlyle: Fraser Binnie, Jack Nicol, Kiera O’Hagan and Baraah Hasan. Oswald: Matthew Cargill, David Moir, Jennifer Thomson and Phoebe MacDonald.

Also at the assemblies we had an input from a group of young people who have been engaging online via Skype with Leo Logothetis from the “Kindness Diaries” TV Show. They shared their views of the power of kindness and it was a relevant message given the recent terror atrocities and London fire, and the ways in which people have responded so generously.

On Tuesday I met with Imam Mohammed Hammad of Kirkcaldy Mosque to plan engagements for next session. We’ll be having a greater diversity of approaches in our “reflection time” assemblies next session. With an input from the Mosque in October and an extension of an already established link with the Scottish Humanist Society too. We’ll also have our chaplaincy inputs from Reverend Froude, of the Church of Scotland.

Also on Tuesday we had our local primaries in school to take part in the “Heather’s Hut” energy efficiency exhibition. Teams showed off models they had made of energy efficient homes. After school we held another regular meeting with local employers to plan further links and work experience in the session ahead. It was great to have input from Andrew Melville and Erin Johnston, who spoke of the value of their recent work placements.

On Wednesday afternoon we held interviews for the Guidance Team and I am delighted to say that Mrs Hunter and Miss Torp-Petersen have now been made permanent to the team. One of the team will be moving on to a post closer to home however. Best wishes to Mrs Pirie, who moves to a promoted post in Livingston from August. She has been a terrific asset here and will be a big miss. The same goes from Mrs Steedman, who has secured a new post as Head of Maths at Madras College, also from August … best wishes. I think I shared already that Mrs Mellon of the Art Department will be taking retirement? Thanks and best wishes to Mrs Mellon too.

Yesterday we had a small group of young people attending the Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh and today we have another group of students attending the “Investment 2020” event at Standard Life HQ, also in Edinburgh. Also, it’s been great to see Mr Jim Pielow from North Carolina in school. Jim spent a year as a Fulbright Exchange teacher here a couple of years ago and dropped in on his old colleagues today. In school, our Biology students have just enjoyed an excellent talk from Professor Nikolai Zhelev of Abertay University. His area of interest is the use of stem cells in the development of drugs to treat cardiovascular disease. Many thanks to Miss Fotheringham, who set up this terrific experience.

I have what is, for me, a rather unusual engagement this weekend, having been invited to be the guest speaker at the AGM of the Fife branch of the St Vincent de Paul charity. I’ll be giving a talk about the impact which child poverty has on learning at the Dysart Carmelite Convent on Sunday afternoon.

Next week is the final week of term. On Monday we have special assemblies for all yeargroups on water safety (reservoirs, ponds, rivers etc.). We’ll be joined by Gillian Barclay, who lost her son in a drowning accident at Inverkeithing Quarry in 2014.

Wednesday afternoon is the “Big Event”. It’s our annual end of session celebration and is open to all pupils, with giant inflatables, the “Cool Creatures” mobile zoo, a graffiti art workshop, nail bar, ice cream, face painting etc. We also have a prize draw with numerous prizes – including a bike. The draw is open to all those who have had good attendance, punctuality, behaviour and timekeeping all year.

The session closes on Thursday with buses around 12.15pm. The canteen will serve a restricted menu. We’re having a “Dress Down” day with donations going to support the families affected by the Grenfell Tower fire. This cause was chosen by our new charities committee. It’s also our annual Talent Show on Thursday, always a great way to close for the summer vacation.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Butter chicken tikka masala with rice and vegetables. Tuesday: Grilled sausage/burger (veggie/beef/chicken) with chips and baked beans. Wednesday: Roast chicken and gravy with potatoes and vegetables. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.  Do remember that a cup of home-made soup is available free to all young people at lunchtime.

Looking forward, I would remind you in advance of any purchases of school uniform that leggings, jogging pants etc. are not acceptable school wear and that we require black shoes or trainers. White or coloured trainers are sports wear and not suitable for class. We’ve also had one or two pupils arriving at school in PE kit because PE is their first lesson of the day. This is not acceptable. Uniform should be worn on the journey to school.

The exam results are issued on Tuesday 8 August and, if required, our candidates will have the chance to adjust their course for 2017- 2018 at a session with Guidance in school on the afternoon of Monday 14 August. Full details will be in a letter I’ll put out during the summer break. We’ll get the Dunnikier Scouts to deliver it along with our latest newsletter in the middle of July.

As always, we welcome any feedback. Thanks for your positive comments and suggestions about Prizegiving. Do also be in touch if we can help with anything at all.

Yours truly

Derek Allan


23 June 2017

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