Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 1/9/17

Dear Parent/ Carer

Welcome to the weekly update … I hope you are well.

This week has been another busy one, with yeargroup assemblies all week. For S1 we highlighted the forthcoming adventure and teambuilding day at Fordell Firs. For all years, we emphasised road safety. Our pupils travel to and from school along busy routes and I am ever conscious of the danger factor, especially along Dunnikier Way, Hendry Road and Whyteman’s Brae. Please reinforce this message at home.

On Tuesday it was a pleasure to attend a special lunch at Kirkcaldy Rotary Club with S6 Prefects Kyle Dick and Chloe McGlashan. Kyle and Chloe were part of the “RYLA” leadership programme, based in the Cairngorms, during the summer holiday and gave an excellent presentation to the Club. It was also a “Friends of KHS” meeting that evening. We are always so grateful of the support received. The next fund raiser you should know about is the Race Night on Friday 3 November. Please contact Mrs Davidson in school for details.

Wednesday saw an English Department trip to Jupiter Artland near Edinburgh, whilst our Higher Geography pupils took part in workshop sessions supported by St Andrews University. After school on Wednesday, we had a group of fifteen S5/6 students across at the University of Edinburgh Law School for the first session of their mock trial competition. This takes place over the coming months with the final held in the High Court. I am grateful to Miss Ashby for her support of our young people. Let’s hope we can emulate last session’s success, when we were declared the winners of the Eve Crowe Trophy, beating off competition from state and private schools from all over the East of Scotland.

Katie Rafferty and the Learning Council

Katie Rafferty and the Learning Council

The week ends today with a visit from Katie Rafferty, Director of “RespectMe”, which is Scotland’s main anti-bullying service and is supported by the Scottish Government. You will know that we were commended in the Scottish Parliament as a school which is effectively tackling prejudice based bullying and discrimination, especially in relation to sexual orientation. Katie met our LGBT student group and discussed “school ethos” with our Learning Council at lunchtime (photo).

Looking ahead to next week and the assemblies are all about House activities, led by the leaders and captains. It’s Adam Smith on Tuesday, Oswald on Wednesday and Carlyle on Thursday.

On Monday afternoon, Mrs Davidson has organised a work experience trip to the Kwik Fit Training Academy at Broxburn and on Thursday evening, Mr Farquharson has set up a special Parent/Carer evening for S5/6 considering a University application in the next few months.

Next Friday we’ll have Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes (both S3) as guest speakers at the Fife Children’s Services Conference in Glenrothes. They will be talking about “adverse childhood experiences” in front of 400 education, social work and health professionals. Other speakers include the former governor of Polmont Young Offenders Institution. You may recall that Morgan and Cara are currently the East of Scotland Procurator Fiscal’s Public Speaking Champions. I’m sure they will be well received at the Rothes Halls.

Looking further ahead, week beginning 11 September is Maths Week Scotland. As well as in-class activities we are having a “growth mindset” evening for Maths Parent/Carer evening starting at 6.30pm on the Wednesday (13 September). On the Thursday we’ll have a number based “Treasure Hunt” starting at 6.30pm from the school. Please see the attached “flyers” from Mrs Hamilton, Head of Maths. I hope you will get involved.

I’m grateful to Miss Nessel for the other attachment, our weekly employability bulletin. We are ever more focused on helping our pupils develop workplace skills and plan for life after school.

Finally, our menu for the week ahead is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Macaroni Cheese, chips, vegetables

Tuesday: Tomato soup, Red Thai chilli beef and noodles, vegetables

Wednesday: Minestrone soup, Roast turkey, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: French onion soup, Pork sausage casserole, potatoes and vegetables

Friday: Leek and potato soup, Breaded fish/Steakbake, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day.Please also remember that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status.

As always, please do be in touch if we can assist with any matter at all.

Aye yours

Derek Allan


1 Sept 2017

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