Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 3/11/17

Dear Parent/Carer

As always, I hope that you and all your family are well. Welcome to the weekly news update from KHS. I guess you’ll not be surprised to learn that the week past has been exceptionally busy and that next week looks to be even more action packed!

This week we held a special S1 Assembly on Monday with Hank John, representing Gideons International, the Christian organisation. Later in the day, Mr John set up a stall in school at which young people were invited to take up the offer of the gift of a new testament. Also, the S1 were out of class for a visiting theatre production of “School’s Out”. This was a hard hitting drama which focuses on road safety. I do hope that all parents and carers will follow up on this message at home; you’ll know that Dunnikier Way and the route to KHS can be quite risky.

On Tuesday afternoon and evening we welcomed a wide range of local employers as well as colleges and universities for our “Employability Fair”. All young people in S4-6 visited the various stalls laid out in the Hall in the afternoon and parents/carers were welcome to join us in the evening. I do hope that those of you who attended found out more about different learning or career pathways, including information on Modern Apprenticeships. As you are aware, ensuring that all of our young people secure a positive “destination” after school is a big part of our work. Big thanks in particular go to Miss Nessel, who made an excellent job of organising the event.

On the Wednesday we hosted a visiting delegation of teachers from Bulgaria, Germany, Italy and Latvia and they were greatly impressed by their experience. Many thanks to the Prefects who looked after our guests for the day.

On the Wednesday afternoon evening we held an important event for S2, with a focus on learning pathways and course choice. This was our “Learning Fair”. After an introduction from Mr Young, a presentation from me and an input from Skills Development Scotland, young people studying in the Senior Phase were on hand to explain what to expect from different subject choices in S3 and beyond, including studying for the “Nationals” in S4. This will help the S2, and parents/carers, to be better prepared for the opportunity to personalise their curriculum in S3 and at later stages. This process takes place in the New Year. We held the “Learning Fair” earlier than usual in response to parent/carer feedback. Many thanks to the staff and young people, including our “My World of Work” Ambassadors, who made this such a successful event. Also, thanks to all of you who came along on the Tuesday and/or the Wednesday.

The week closes with our fund raising Race Night being held in the Hall and organised by “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” (FoKHS) this evening. Many thanks to those who have bought tickets or sponsored a horse or a race. We are always very grateful to FoKHS for their ongoing support. I’m sure this event will be a hit.

The other big deal tonight is the SQA Star Awards finals which take place at the Assembly Rooms in George Street, Edinburgh, hosted by Kaye Adams, the well-known TV presenter. Our very own Miss Audrey Diamond has been shortlisted in the “Appointee of the Year” category in recognition of her outstanding service to the national exam system over more than twenty years. Here’s hoping she scoops the top award. Whatever the outcome, she is a star.

Next week we’ll have a special Assembly for S2 on the Monday morning with guests from NHS Fife who will give a careers talk about opportunities in healthcare. Later that day, the people from Barclays Lifeskills are delivering sessions on personal financial management to our Maths students. This is part of the Scottish Government’s “Money Week” Initiative.

On Tuesday through to Thursday we’ll have House Assemblies and a focus on our remembrance of the sacrifice of KHS pupils and staff 100 years ago, during the Great War. We lost well over 100 of our community in that terrible conflict, and they are commemorated on the beautiful bronze memorial which graces the very heart of our school to this day. On Friday, we will hold a two minute silence across the school and have a poppy wreath laying ceremony at the memorial.

On the Tuesday we are also taking part in the Senior UK Maths Challenge and hosting Nathan Sparling, Campaigns Director of HIV Scotland, who is in KHS to find out more about our approach to sexual health education. He will also meet with our LGBT+ Support Group to discuss relevant matters. In the afternoon, all of our S5 will attend the Safe Drive, Stay Alive Roadshow at the Rothes Halls in Glenrothes and our S6 will have sessions in school called “new to the Road”. Both events have been part of our curriculum in recent sessions and have been well evaluated as a suitable focus on safe driving.

On Wednesday afternoon, we are holding a “STEM” (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) event in the Hall, and it’s exclusively for girls. Many thanks to Fife College and “Bright Green Hydrogen” (based at Methil) for their support. Our S4 football team is also in action in the Scottish Shield, away to St John’s Academy, Dundee. Best wishes to them.

Next Thursday will see our Senior Phase students who are possibly considering a Modern Apprenticeship route attending the national Modern Apprenticeship fair at Ingliston Exhibition Centre, just outside Edinburgh. We are running a bus and it’s a brilliant opportunity to focus on that “positive destination” we promote.

Please do come along to our Christmas Fayre Fundraiser, which takes place on Thursday from 6-8pm in our Assembly Hall. It’s organised by S6 with funds raised going towards the cost of their yearbook and prom. The Fayre features stalls selling Body Shop, PartyLite Candles, various jewellery, gifts, crafts etc. Entry costs only £1, payable on the door and we’ll also have a raffle, hot food, tea and coffee and home baking. Please the attached poster for details.

Also that evening, we’ll have a quiz team from S6 taking part in the Kirkcaldy Rotary Schools Quiz at St Andrews High School. We are the defending champions and I’m sure our team will fight hard to retain the title.

Parents/carers of S5/6 should expect a tracking report to be posted on Friday. This should be seen as a bit of a “reality check” for the Higher exams in particular. It will flag up cases where work needs to be done to get “on-track” for success. Remember that we run an extensive study support programme at lunchtimes and after school (please check out “Twitter”).

As well as our “in-house” Remembrance ceremony on Friday, Jay and Isla, our Head Boy and Girl will lay a wreath at the Town War Memorial on Sunday 12 November after taking part in the traditional Remembrance Parade. Also, at the Adam Smith Theatre after the Parade, we will deliver a presentation about the contribution made by former KHS pupils in the Great War, in particular those who gave their lives and are remembered in a book called “The Memorial in the School” by John Beck. You can purchase a copy online … it’s a fascinating read.

The menu next week is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Stovies with crusty bread, turnip

Tuesday: French onion soup, Chicken korma, boiled rice and vegetables

Wednesday Tomato soup, Sweet chilli beef and noodles, vegetables

Thursday: Green pea soup, Steak pie, potatoes and vegetables

Friday: Vegetable soup, Breaded fish/Scotch pie, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our new outdoor snack bar. Please also remember that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status.

As you know, we are always keen to support you with any matter, so please do be in touch in respect of any problem or concern. Also, Twitter is a great way to keep up with school news. There are usually lots of photos of all the varied activities reported in the weekly “blog”. Just follow @KirkcaldyHigh. We also use it to pass on important or urgent messages to you.

Many thanks to those who have completed “Parentwise” survey either on paper or online. We had a healthy return of forms at the S2 Learning Fair this week.

Our S1 Parent/Carer Evening is on Wednesday 15 November and all pupils have now received a letter and appointment schedule for you. I hope to see you there. Please note that the “Learning Log” mentioned in the letter is the pupil’s online profile which they have been completing in “GLOW” … please ask them about it. It’s a statement of strengths, interests and next steps in learning. If you have any queries about the Parent/Carer Evening please contact Guidance.

Finally, please do come along to the school on the evening of Tuesday 28 November from 6pm when we will have a special event promoted by the KHS Parent Council. It’s all about internet safety and will include issues such as online grooming, sharing inappropriate images, “sexting” and online scams. As well as our own staff explaining how we try to deliver lessons which help young people stay safe, we’ll have a special input from Scott McGready, “ethical hacker” and cyber security expert.

You may have seen Scott on TV or heard him on radio? He is a very skilled communicator and also has another career as a magician! Scott will be delivering safety talks in school to all of our pupils during the day and be part of our parents evening too. It’s a bit different, and I do hope that you will be able to attend. Stand by for a letter soon.

Very best wishes for the weekend

Derek Allan


3 November 2017

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