Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 21/12/17

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to the final “Rector’s Log” of 2017. It’s been another very successful year for the school  … you’ll know that from the weekly email and from our Newsletter. I must thank you for the part you have played. Without your backing and your trust we would achieve very little.

I think you know that collectively, myself, the teachers and all the supporting staff work tirelessly to promote the development (in its broadest sense) of all the young people of KHS. We have so much to be proud of. We are by and large a happy community; an inclusive school which gives everybody a chance, and we play our part in helping young people claim their deserved place in society on leaving school. But we’re not quite fully satisfied at that, and have a shared desire to do better still. Further, I know that this is a desire shared by almost all of our young people. We’ll continue to push that self improvement message, especially for those who don’t quite get it, yet.

This week’s email comes a day earlier than usual due to tomorrow’s early closure. It’s the final week of term and we’ve had House Assemblies; Adam Smith on Tuesday, Oswald on Wednesday and Carlyle today. In the absence of the chaplain due to illness, these focused on the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative, a project which involves all of the S3 in competing to win £3000 for a local charity of their choice. It runs until next June and is an excellent programme, sponsored by the Wood Group. Many thanks to Ms Mahr (RME), who leads on this and gave a very informative talk at the assemblies. For agencies supporting good causes locally, £3000 can be a huge boost.

Welcome back to Miss Keeble of the English Department, who returned to school this week from maternity leave. It was good to have her back in school. It’s also a big “well done” to Mr Harrower of the PE Dept, who has been working on a temporary contract since August. After interviews yesterday, I am delighted to share that he becomes permanent after the break. Finally, on staffing matters, best wishes once again to Miss Mitchell (Principal Teacher of HE), who leaves tomorrow to take up a similar post in Ayrshire. I am delighted to report that we have recruited an excellent replacement and we will welcome Miss Kirsty Collins, currently at Viewforth High School, to fill the role from January 22 2018.

On Monday afternoon we had a small group of Fifth Year students interviewed by the Rotary Club for a place on the RYLA Leadership programme which takes place in the Cairngorms in the summer. The available places are sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kirkcaldy and we are very grateful for this opportunity. Very well done to Blain Aitken and Kiara Montgomery who have won places on the camp. I am delighted to say that once again, KHS students have taken the majority of the available spaces to all of the Fife schools. Our young people continue to do us proud and I’m sure that Blain and Kiara will gain a lot from the camps at Abernethy in July 2018.

Our Christmas Disco took place in the Hall last night and it was excellent fun. Many thanks to our resident DJ tag team: MC Doc and Dick of the Decks!

Many thanks for your support with the collection for Kirkcaldy Foodbank. This morning, we delivered a van load of groceries and a cheque for £288. This has been very gratefully received by the Foodbank, which has been very hard pressed lately. It was good for our young people to see around the storage space in Dysart. Many thanks to Billy McCormack, who showed us around.

Tomorrow we close at lunchtime (buses are expected at 12.15pm) for the holidays. It’s a dress down day in aid of “Love Oliver”, a local charity which funds research into childhood cancers and supports victims and their families. As usual we’ll also be having the traditional staff “talent” show as the closing event. Thanks, and good luck to all taking part. You have to admire their pluck if not their ability.

We return to school on Monday 8 January 2018 and the main events that week are the S5/6 Prelim exams, which start on Wednesday, and the S2 Report, which is sent home on the Friday. I do hope that those sitting exams will spend some time in study during the break.

The menu that week is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Macaroni Cheese, chips, vegetables

Tuesday: Tomato soup, Roast Chicken, baby boiled potatoes, broccoli

Wednesday: Minestrone soup, Pork sausage casserole, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: French onion soup, Red Thai Chilli Beef, noodles and vegetables

Friday: Leek and potato soup, Breaded fish/Steakbake, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our new outdoor snack bar. Please also remember that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status.

May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I’m looking forward to 2018 being another “Year of Achievement” for Kirkcaldy High School. Once again, many thanks for your ongoing commitment towards that aim too.

A’ the best.

Derek Allan


21 December 2017

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