Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 19/1/18

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to the weekly update email or, as it appears on our website; The Rector’s Log.

We’ve had a busy and productive week, as well as a snowy one. The main focus was the S5/6 prelims, which finished this week. Reports for that yeargroup are due to be issued on 23 February and the Prelims for S4 are scheduled for week beginning 5 February.

On Monday, all S4 took part in special exam preparation tutorials delivered by “Live’N’Learn”, an educational support agency. Miss Diamond has invited all S4 parents/carers in to school at the end of the day to hear from the Live’N’Learn tutors. It was good for parents to be able to reinforce the messages delivered in the run up to the exams in May. Also after school on Monday, we arranged a meeting with a wide range of business partners to discuss the next steps in developing our approaches to employability. Thanks to Miss Nessel for her excellent work in respect of this.  Helping our kids be ready for work is big theme for KHS. The usual jobs bulletin is attached.

In the evening on Monday we also had a Friends of Kirkcaldy High School meeting. If you are interested in the work of this excellent support group, please call 01592 583405 and ask for Mrs Davidson. The next fundraiser is our annual Ceilidh on Friday 9 March – and you can reserve a table/tickets now! £10 per ticket which includes a great entertainment with the Bert Pozzi Ceilidh Band, raffles and a Valentes fish supper. Please call Mrs Davidson, and thanks for your support.

On that theme of fundraising, we have been selected by ASDA, Carberry Road, for their “Green Token” campaign. If you shop there please support the KHS cause by placing your token in the appropriate container. We are trying to raise funds for outdoor gym equipment in the school grounds and this is also the focus of ongoing FoKHS fundraising.

After school on Tuesday, members of our LGBT support group attended Beath High School to share some of their leading work in helping to build an inclusive school. Beath are keen to follow our lead in developing the equality and fairness agenda. Well done to all our young people taking a leadership role.

Unfortunately, our Primary School “Roadshows” at Capshard and Fair Isle, scheduled for Tuesday evening, had to be postponed due to the weather. We are in the process of arranging these events for Tuesday February 6, with Capshard at 5pm and Fair Isle at 6.30pm, please spread the word. On Wednesday, Mrs Hamilton (Head of Maths) and Mrs Hume (Head of English) underwent training for the Scottish National Standardised Assessments which were taken by all S3 in November. These tests are intended to help us plan learning in the run up to the “Nationals”, which are taken in S4. Then, last night after school, it was our S4 Parent/Carer evening, and it was good to see such a healthy turnout. Unfortunately, the weather has again intervened today. Our U18 Scottish Shield tie (football) away to Millburn Academy of Inverness has been postponed until next Friday … fingers crossed!

Our SQA “Saturday School” programme starts tomorrow with  Art and Music and the programme is: 27 Jan; Maths, 03 Feb: History, Geography and Modern Studies, 10 Feb: Business, Administration and Computing, 17 Feb: HOLIDAY WEEKEND 24 Feb: French, Engineering Science, Graphic Communication and Design & Manufacture, 03 Mar: English, 10 Mar: Latin, Classical Studies, Engineering Science, Graphic Communication and Design & Manufacture, 17 Mar: Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Drama, 24 Mar: Spanish. These sessions run from 9.45am and last up to four hours. Thanks to all the staff who are giving up their time. There is much evidence that this time can make all the difference for exam preparation and we hope to see a big turnout once again this year.

Also this weekend, and next week, Osama Aslam (S6) is taking part in an amazing international legal competition in The Hague, Netherlands. You may recall that we were part of the Scottish Mock Trial Competition at the Court of Session in Edinburgh last year? Sam was so impressive in his role as a defending solicitor that he has been selected to represent the UK against similar teams from 13 others national teams, including Germany, the USA, Argentina and even Mongolia! Good luck Sam.

Next week we’ll welcome Ms Collins as our new Principal Teacher of Health and Wellbeing (Home Economics) and have Yeargroup Assemblies, led by Ms Mahr and Mr Mitchell, who are heading off to Rwanda next month to establish our link with our British Council link school, Scolaire Bumbogo, which is in the suburbs of Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. Our pupils are fundraising to buy school stationery for the school.

On Tuesday we’ll have a round of our Primary “Roadshows” at Torbain (5pm) and Valley (6.30pm). Thanks to all who are intending to come along, we hope that these will be useful events. Mrs Aitken and I are joined by Mr Broadway (Head of Additional Support) and a range of pupils from S1 to S6. On Thursday, we are holding a “STEM” learning session for S1 boys in the Hall and on Friday it will be good to welcome back Lizzie Jenkins to school. Lizzie is a student ambassador for the Sutton Trust, an organisation which promotes fairer access to university places for students from working class families and she is speaking at our S5/6 Assembly. She is a former KHS pupil herself. Remember also that, as usual, young people can access our Friday school nurse “drop-in” with confidential advice and support on any issue, including sexual health and access to contraception.

The menu next week is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Stovies with crusty bread, turnip

Tuesday: French onion soup, Chicken korma, boiled rice and vegetables

Wednesday Tomato soup, Steak pie, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Green pea soup, Sweet chilli beef and noodles, vegetables

Friday: Vegetable soup, Breaded fish/Scotch pie, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our new outdoor snack bar. Please also remember that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status

Looking forward, please find attached an invitation to all Parents/Carers of S1 pupils. On Tuesday 30 January, from 6.30 to 7.30pm, the English Department will hold an information evening.  During the evening you will be given information about literacy learning at Kirkcaldy High School and how best to support your son/daughter to further develop their own reading skills.  The session will look at: Growth Mindset, Literacy Across Learning and working at home to develop Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening. Please do come along. All S1 pupils will receive the letter on paper, please use the tear off slip.

Finally, it was my pleasure to present special “Health and Wellbeing” achievement certificates to Kianna Shearer and Owen Keddie (both S4) last week (see photo). During the October holidays, Kianna and Owen took part in the nationally recognised ‘I Can Lead’ Sports Leadership Course, based on essential knowledge and skills to assist in leading sports activities. These are transferable skills which can be used to help young people better engage socially and within education by developing confidence and “soft skills” such as organisation and communication. Following the course, both have completed 10 hours volunteering at their local Majorettes (Kianna) and Athletics (Owen) Clubs, delivering to children. Well done to both and thanks to Mr Greenhorn (Sports Co-ordinator), who supports our young people so well with initiatives such as this.

All the very best for the weekend. Please keep safe in the ice and snow.

Derek Allan


19 January 2018

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