Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 26/1/18

Dear Parent/Carer


I hope you are well and have had a good week. It’s certainly been a busy one here in KHS.

On Monday, we welcomed Ms Collins as our new Principal Teacher of Health and Wellbeing (Home Economics) and we also had Yeargroup Assemblies all week, led by Ms Mahr. Along with Mr Mitchell, she is heading off to Africa next month to firmly establish our link with our British Council link school, Groupe Scolaire Bumbogo, in the suburbs of Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. Our pupils are fundraising to buy school stationery and have already exceeded the target we set. The assemblies were very moving, with a link to Holocaust Memorial Day, which is tomorrow.

On Tuesday, our S3 “First Chances” group had another full day experience at St Andrews University. First Chances is an excellent programme, which focusses on young people who have no family tradition of university and gives them that experience. We are grateful to the University, and many thanks to Mrs Hunter and Ms Nessel for their support of the programme.  We also had a round of our Primary “Roadshows” at Torbain and Valley. Thanks to all who came along, these seem to have been very useful events, we had some good feedback. Mrs Aitken and I were joined by Mr Broadway (Head of Additional Support) and a range of pupils from S1 to S6. If you know of any family considering a placing request (from outwith the usual catchment), please advise them to contact the school before the Easter holidays. They are welcome to come along to our next (rescheduled) evening on Tuesday 6 February: Capshard at 5pm and Fair Isle at 6.30pm.

On Wednesday evening, Aimee Lindsay competed in the Kirkcaldy Rotary Club Music Competition at Balwearie and I am delighted to say that she won her heat and goes through to the East final at Perth on 24 February. Also, Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes (S3) began their defence of the East of Scotland Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Public Speaking title at Dunfermline High School and I am delighted to say that they are through to the Fife final, after beating teams from Dunfermline, Inverkeithing and Auchmuty. The topic was the pressure placed upon young people by the media and fashion industry and the girls impressed the judges with their eloquence and reason.

Yesterday, we held a “STEM” learning session for S1 boys in the Hall and this was great fun, with lots of active learning. Many thanks to Fife College for their support. We also enjoyed the haggis, neeps and tatties on offer in the canteen!

This morning it was good to welcome back Lizzie Jenkins to school. Lizzie is a student ambassador for the Sutton Trust, an organisation which promotes fairer access to university places for students from working class families and she spoke to S5 this morning about the Summer School and university applications. Lizzie is a former KHS pupil herself and is now an undergraduate at St Andrews.

Also this week, Osama Aslam (S6) has been taking part in a prestigious international legal competition in The Hague, Netherlands. We were part of the Scottish Mock Trial Competition at the Court of Session in Edinburgh last year and Sam was so impressive in his role as a defending solicitor that he was selected to represent Scotland against similar teams from 13 others nations, including Germany, the USA, Argentina, Venezuela and even Mongolia! Team Scotland did very well. Congratulations to the Netherlands, who were the overall winners.

Our SQA “Saturday School” programme continues tomorrow with Maths. The rest of the dates are; 03 Feb: History, Geography and Modern Studies, 10 Feb: Business, Administration and Computing, 17 Feb: HOLIDAY WEEKEND 24 Feb: French, Engineering Science, Graphic Communication and Design & Manufacture, 03 Mar: English, 10 Mar: Latin, Classical Studies, Engineering Science, Graphic Communication and Design & Manufacture, 17 Mar: Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Drama, 24 Mar: Spanish. These sessions run from 9.45am and last up to four hours. Thanks to all the staff who are giving up their time. There is much evidence that this time can make all the difference for exam preparation and we hope to see a big turnout once again this year.

Next week we have vaccinations for S3 on the Monday, with protection against, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and meningitis. In the afternoon, our Guidance are undertaking the S4 course choice process.

Tuesday is the Adam Smith Assembly. Many thanks to our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Support Group who are leading the assembly which has the theme of Equality and Diversity. I understand that they will cover the topic of “Coming Out”. In the afternoon (period 6), all S4-6 will go to the Hall for a talk about courses and opportunities at Fife College. The evening sees our regular Parent Council meeting at 6pm. You are all very welcome to come along to the Boardroom. We are also holding a Parent/Carer event for S1 on the theme of Literacy and Growth Mindset at 6.30pm. Many thanks to the English Department staff who are leading on this. I attached a copy of the letter of invitation last week. The session will look at: Growth Mindset, Literacy Across Learning and working at home to develop Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening. Please do come along at 6.30pm.

Next Wednesday, as well as the Oswald Assembly, we have two HM Inspectors of Education in school all day conducting a “Thematic Review” of Personal and Social Education and Health/Wellbeing. They are visiting 50 schools around Scotland and KHS has been selected to be part of this. They will see lessons, talk with several pupil groups and meet with groups of KHS staff and supporting professionals. There is also an English Department trip to the Adam Smith Theatre that day.

On Thursday 1 February we have mock interviews for S5/6, supported by several business partners. We are also hosting the UK Intermediate Maths Challenge in the Hall, many thanks to Miss Brown for her work with this. We also have several soloists competing in the Fife Festival of Music at the Adam Smith Theatre. Miss Cunningham is taking a team to the Waid Academy to take part in the Fife Schools’ Literary Quiz … good luck.

Today we had the Carlyle Assembly led by our LGBT student group and this afternoon, our windband comes together for a rehearsal ahead of their upcoming performance at the Fife Festival of Music. Also, best of luck to our U18 football team, which is currently in Inverness, competing against Millburn Academy in the Scottish Shield this afternoon.

Last week, we reported the “Health and Wellbeing” achievement certificates presented to Kianna Shearer and Owen Keddie (both S4). Well done to Laurie Hunter (S3), who has also achieved the ‘I Can Lead’ Sports Leadership standard. This is based on essential knowledge and skills in Dance Leadership. Laurie has also had to teach dance classes to younger kids to gain the award. Congratulations Laurie.

The menu next week is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Macaroni Cheese, chips, vegetables

Tuesday: Tomato soup, Roast Chicken, baby boiled potatoes, broccoli

Wednesday: Minestrone soup, Pork sausage casserole, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: French onion soup, Red Thai Chilli Beef, noodles and vegetables

Friday: Leek and potato soup, Breaded fish/Steakbake, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our new outdoor snack bar. Please also remember that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status.

I have an appeal to make. If you know in advance that your son/daughter has an appointment in school time, please tell us by phone, email or a note so that an appointment slip can be put to tutor teachers to keep the register right. We’ll understand if it’s an appointment made at short notice, but if you can, it helps to tell us in advance. Thanks.

Finally, please find attached a letter about a survey which will be taken by our S5/6 pupils. The University of St Andrews are looking at attitudes to Higher Education. Many thanks.

All the very best for the weekend. I hope it will be a happy one for you and your family. I also hope to see a good turnout tomorrow for our Mathematics “Saturday School” (S4-6). Starts 9.30am!

Aye yours

Derek Allan


26 January 2018

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