Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 1/6/18

Dear Parent/Carer


I hope that you are well and are looking forward to the holiday weekend.

It’s been another week of SQA exams with Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, Practical Woodwork, Physical Education, Latin, Administration and IT, Art and Design, Dance, Drama and Psychology. This week. The results are posted out on August 7 and I would remind all candidates that they can also sign up for a text or email results service too.

On Wednesday after school, the staff got together to share their professional learning over the past session. Thanks to those who shared their experiences of improving classroom practice. There was a particular focus on how we are using the Pupil Equity Fund (or PEF) to support learners form disadvantaged background to do a little bit better, primarily in literacy (especially reading) and numeracy. Health and wellbeing, including mental health and self-esteem are also very important. There was also a talk by Christine, our “DAPL” mental health counsellor”. All the sessions were very well evaluated by those who attended.

We were also represented at a meeting of a Fife based group which is making a film about “Adverse Childhood Experiences”. This took place along at Beath High School and Mr Broadway and I were joined by Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes (S3), who are involved in the film making, including the music score.

Later on Wednesday evening, we were shortlisted as “Secondary School of the Year” in the Fife Active Schools Awards, held at the Rothes Halls. I was happy to be joined at the awards evening by Miss McIntosh and Miss Malcolm of the PE Department. The winning school this year was Queen Anne High School … very well done to them. Well done also to all of our staff, especially the PE team, who promote school sport and physical activities. I must say that the highlight for me was the speech delivered by our own Kianna Shearer (S4), who spoke eloquently and passionately about her involvement in the Fife “Sports Stars” programme.

The other big event this week has been our S2 “Disaster Day” with all pupils “off timetable” today to take part in themed outdoor learning linked to a disaster relief situation. We’ve had outdoor teamwork activities with a focus on building temporary shelters, using communications (including Morse Code), survival skills, first aid including “Heartstart” CPR, and moving and filtering fresh water  … and our young people have also had a lot of fun in the sun. It’s a great way to mark the end of Year 2 in KHS. I must thank organiser Miss Wight of the Geography Department for her expert coordination of a complex event. Thanks also to the large group of staff who have been outside supervising all day.

We also have a group of S3 Sports Leaders who are helping out local primaries with their Athletics Festival today and our windband playing in a concert along at Capshard Primary. It’s the time of year for these liaison activities.

Next Monday, June 4, is a public holiday. Also, there are no classes on the Tuesday due to teacher in-service training, although, as I mentioned previously, we do have our Colours Ceremony with Prefect presentations etc at 4pm. Our new timetable starts on Wednesday 6 June when S1 become S2 and the S2 move to the new classes they have selected. Our exam candidates return from study leave and our new S5 and S6 will crack on with their Highers or other courses. Many thanks to Mrs Aitken, who has been responsible for putting together the new timetable, which is always a tricky project.

We’ll have yeargroup assemblies on Thursday, including an input from Ms Mahr (RME) who will be talking about our upcoming trip to Rwanda in October 2019. This is a very exciting prospect and the next stage in developing our partnership with Group Scoliare Bumbogo, near Kigali. Mr Harrower (PE) will speak at the S2 assembly about a World War 1 Battlefields Trip to Belgium and France which he is planning for May 2019. Thanks to all our staff who go the extra mile (no pun intended!) Please be reminded that financial support is available for school trips for families qualifying for free school meals. To help with registering for this entitlement please call 01593 583405 and ask to speak to Mrs Hardie (Family Link Worker).

At the assemblies, we’ll also have an input from Robert Greenhorn, our Active Schools Coordinator. Robert will be recruiting potential Sports Ambassadors and potential “Sports Stars” for the year ahead. On Thursday evening, our U14 football team contest the final of the Scottish Schools Plate against Wallace High School from Stirling at Bathgate. Very best wishes to them and thanks to coaches Mr English and Mr I’Anson.

Next Friday is our S6 Induction Day, many thanks to Mr Farquharson (Guidance) who is putting together an interesting and varied programme. We also have and author visit from Dion Leonard, author of “Finding Gobi”. A group of RME pupils will meet him to discuss his work. This true tale is about one man’s love for his dog. It’s all about dedication and resilience in overcoming the odds to succeed.

Also at the end of next week, we have a group of 15 pupils heading off to Nethy Bridge in the Cairngorms for an outward bounds experience. Many thanks to Miss McIntosh and Miss Malcolm, who are leading this trip. It sounds like a fantastic and very challenging programme. It’s all about boosting confidence and wellbeing.

Looking ahead, it’s our Prizegiving on Tuesday 12 June and we are delighted to be joined by Joe Pike as our Principal Guest. Joe ITN Political Correspondent and is the husband of the late Gordon Aikman, former Head Boy of KHS. Gordon died of Motor Neurone Disease last year and was a remarkable ambassador for that cause. We intend to make the Scottish Motor Neurone Disease Association the main focus of our charity work for the next few years ahead and have introduced the “Gordon Aikman Cup” for charity work, sponsored by Gordon’s family. Prizegiving invitations have been sent out and I would remind all S6 leavers that they are also invited.

Next week’s menu is;

Wednesday: Scotch broth, Roast chicken and gravy, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Carrot and coriander soup, Mince pie, potatoes and vegetables

Friday Yellow split pea soup, Breaded fish/Sausage roll, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 50p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer.

Finally, after several parental enquiries about uniform and blazers, I can confirm that Academy Uniforms will be in school on Mon 11 June, from 5-7pm and Thurs 14 June, between 5-8pm with blazers and knitwear for sale. Orders can also be placed for collection in August.

In order to help families facing hardship, it would be very much appreciated if any unwanted uniform items could be recycled. Perhaps your son/daughter has outgrown their school clothing? It would be especially appreciated if leavers would hand in their blazer and tie so that these can be passed on. Please arrange for such items to be left at reception. We already have items in our “Uniform Bank” but further donations are always welcome and appreciated.

Finally, please be aware that, in the event that young people are prescribed temporary medication e.g. eye cream or antibiotics, written confirmation with full details/instructions should accompany the medication if it requires to be administered by the school office. Please do not just ask your son/daughter to hand over any medication to the office without a note from you. Many thanks.

Aye yours,

Derek Allan


1 June 2018

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