Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 28/6/18

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope you are well and looking forward to the summer break, which starts tomorrow. This message comes early as we will close at lunchtime tomorrow, Friday 29 June, with the buses expected at 12.15pm.

Fife Computer Games and Animation Jam Competition

Fife Computer Games and Animation Jam Competition

Last week I mentioned the Fife Computer Games and Animation Jam Competition at Fife College, held at the Stenton Campus, Glenrothes.  Well done to team KHS who won the competition! The KHS team of Amy Krzyanowska, Mackenzie Aitken, Lyall Parter and Leon Lessels, won over the judges, taking home the top spot with their simple, yet challengingly addictive game “Gilbert in Space”.  Mr Adams, of our Computing Science Department said that he was very proud of his team. He added that they put in a great collective effort and competed in the right spirit too. Please see the lovely photo in this week’s Fife Free Press (below right).

We’ve had a pretty busy final week.  On Monday, Dr Jones, Miss Bell and Mrs Brewster (PSA) took our S1 “Reading Group” on a day out at Camperdown Wildlife Park in Dundee, and all had a great experience.

Also on Monday, the History Department hosted a seminar on the First World War. It was good to welcome back Fraser Brown, former curator of the Black watch Museum in Perth. Fraser is an old friend and a brilliant military historian.

On Tuesday, our Administration and IT students planned and organised a trip to Edinburgh, where they visited the Camera Obscura. By the look of the photos shared on Twitter they had a terrific experience. In the afternoon Mrs Aitken attended the Capshard P7 Leavers’ Show along with members of our Pupil Leadership Team. I’m told that it was really good.

It was also a pleasure to congratulate Emma Murray (S5), who represented KHS in the Scottish Schools’ Equestrian Championships recently. Emma, with her horse George, came first in one class and third in another … a terrific achievement. Emma occasionally does cross country jumping but her main focus is show jumping. Very well done Emma.

We had a special assembly for S4 yesterday. Miss Diamond explained what to expect from the SQA qualifications process and exams. She is a senior appointee with the SQA and her message was very well put over and well received. In the afternoon, I went along to the Torbain leavers show with Fraser Anderson, Kirstin Graham and Mollie Turner. As usual, it was fantastic … and tear-jerking. In the evening, we held a parent/carer evening for those interested in our planned trip to Rwanda in October 2019. Many thanks to Ms Mahr and Mr Mitchell, who will lead the trip. This was a very informative and helpful event. Applications need to be submitted during the holidays.

This morning we held another special assembly for S3 to announce the winners of our recent “Disaster Day” Teamwork Challenge. Very well done to Oswald House, declared overall winners. This afternoon it’s our “Big Event” to mark the end of session. We are having the usual stalls and fun activities with bubble football, giant inflatables as well as ice cream, face painting, nail bar etc. Many thanks to the staff committee who have planned this and booked up the different inputs. Thanks also to the sponsors, especially to Smeaton Stores, who have donated the ice creams, it will be much appreciated in this heat!

Tomorrow is the end of session and we are having a “Dress Down Day” in support of the Scottish Motor Neurone Disease Association. This is in tribute to Gordon Aikman, former Head Boy and MND campaigner. Donations gratefully received. It’s also our traditional last day Talent Show … many thanks to all the young people taking part.

You will know from the message I put out on Monday, that Mrs Aitken (Senior Depute) will become the Headteacher of Lochgelly High School after the break. This is an “acting” arrangement in the first instance. Whilst this is a big loss for KHS, and I’m sure that you are aware of Mrs Aitken’s fantastic contribution here over 10 years, it’s also a chance for her to lead her own school community. It’s a thoroughly deserved opportunity and she will be a first class Headteacher. Personally, I owe Mrs Aitken a great deal and thank her for her friendship and for all she has achieved here. She has had such a big influence in all our successes over the last decade.

There is other staff news to impart. Well done to Dr Angela Jones, who will also be leaving us after the break to take up a promoted post as Head of Additional Support at Speyside High School in Aberlour. Many thanks to Dr Jones for all her fine work here. We all wish her well. Very well done also Mr Mitchell of our RE Dept. He has been appointed to be Mrs Thompson’s replacement as Guidance Teacher in Adam Smith House. This is a temporary arrangement for the year ahead.

You already know that Mr Morrice (CDT), Mrs Tulloch (Computing) and Mr Britain (Music) will be taking retirement. Best wishes to all of them. I am delighted that both Mr Morrice and Mr Britain will continue in a part-time capacity after the summer, at least in the short term.

One final word on KHS staff, it is with great sadness that I must report the death of Donald Fraser, the highly respected and well liked Depute Rector during the 1970s and 1980s. Donald died last Saturday after a short illness. He kept up an interest in the school and it was a pleasure to meet him on a couple of occasions. I know that some of you reading this will be former pupils who will have your own memories of Mr Fraser. His funeral takes place at Kirkcaldy Crematorium on Wednesday 11 July at 12.45pm. Current staff and pupils will represent KHS.

Looking ahead, please expect an update email from me with a copy of our next Newsletter around the end of July. I will be able to tell you at that time the name of our replacement for Mrs Aitken. Then the SQA exam results are posted out on Tuesday 7 August, the staff return to school on Monday 13 August and the pupils’ first day is Wednesday 15 August. If, because of an unexpected exam result, any pupil needs to consider a course or level change, they should come in to meet their Guidance Teacher on the afternoon of Monday 13 August.

Many thanks to those of you who have amended, signed and returned the “Annual Data Check” form which was sent home last Friday. We need your up to date contact details etc on record. Please return it tomorrow or as soon as you can after the holiday.

Last week I mentioned our Improvement Plan priorities. I had intended to include these as an attachment to the message. They are attached this time. Above all, we will continue to make KHS the best around; a happy, fair and supportive learning community which improves life chances by inspiring ambition, creativity, hard work and perseverance … to quote the sign above our main entrance!

Many thanks for all your support with this mission over the past session. Teamwork is everything and together we are a team making a difference.

Yours … and all the best. Have a great holiday.

Derek Allan


28 June 2018

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