Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 27/09/24

Dear Parent / Carer,

Welcome to this weeks Rector’s Log. This will be the last Rector’s Log of this term.

The week that’s been…

This week has been busy, and we have had some great activities taking place across the week.

It was Maths week this week and young people in S1 took part in an online Times Table challenge. The learners got their very own ‘Times Table Rockstars’ and competed against each other in rock themed challenges, as well as other schools across Scotland. We had several high performers, and we were also the highest scoring school out of nearby secondary schools. Well done to all involved!

We also had a group of keen mathematicians / learners take part in an enterprising maths competition on Tuesday at Madras in St Andrews. You can read about this and much more through our school website and blog.

On Wednesday, S4 Admin went to Edinburgh after planning and organising their own trip. One of their theory topics is the role of the Admin Assistant so learners got the chance to research, plan and book their own travel and activities just like a real Admin Assistant would.  Some of our S6 Seniors came along too to support our S4 learners. Everyone had a great time, and the classes are excited to plan another trip later in the year.  We also had some S3 learners take part in a trip to Jupiter Artland on Wednesday also. Thank you to all staff who organised and / or supported these experiences for our young people.

On Thursday, we were delighted to have parents / carers of S1 attend a curricular information evening in English and Maths. Families got the opportunity to learn about what their child is undertaking this year, some of the strategies used to support and glean some valuable insight into what it would be like in Mr Davis’ classroom with some English work! Thank you to all staff involved, our pupil senior leadership team / prefects and our Maths ambassadors for supporting the evening. Thak you to all families who attended. As ever, we would love to hear for you about any feedback on the evening. Please complete the survey if you attended to help us improve what we can do –  it should only take 2 minutes!

Today, we were supporting MacMillan cancer research with our Barista superstars taking part in their assessment by making a range of different hot drinks to our staff team. Over £200 was raised for this great cause. Well done to the young people with their assessment and special thanks to Ms Akers and those who supported this event.

A wee update from Ms Black:

“Friday started in Supported Learning, as with many in the school, with a coffee shop experience as our learners on the Barista course took part in the Macmillan Coffee morning.  Excellent service and drinks for a great cause and what a lovely way to start the day.  In SLD1 some of our learning has been set within the context of arriving on a desert island with learning across curricular areas and promoting our creativity and enquiry; we have been exploring many things including biodiversity, construction, society and answering the big questions that have been wondered along the way.  SLD2 were very excited to share their measurement learning and have been exploring measurement in many ways including, next week, a staff height survey.  In the senior phase, our young people have been exploring healthy choices including this week the presence of drugs in society, their use, effects and impact.  Really rich and inciteful discussions.  As always, we wish you a safe and lovely weekend and look forward to working together next week.”

House Point totals for the week and session so far are as below:

This weeks total:

  • Adam Smith – 167
  • Carlyle – 159
  • Oswald – 220

Overall total:

  • Adam Smith – 1420
  • Carlyle – 1325
  • Oswald – 1340

Great to see everyone continue to do well! Well done!

The week ahead…

Next week is the last week of a very quick term! We finish at 1.05pm for learners on Friday 4th October 2024. We will re-open on Monday 21st October 2024 at the usual time.

On Tuesday, 1st October, we look forward to welcoming Parents / Carers of S4 to the first parent / carer evening of the session.

On Wednesday, we have our annual school photographs taking place, with information shared through the school bulleting and sent during this week.

On Friday, we will have our first non-school uniform day of the session. As usual, we would ask learners, if they can, to donate some money to support a charitable cause!

Please fine a flyer for the upcoming FoKHS Race Night taking place here at KHS on Friday 8th November. This is a great evening and supports FoKHS who do amazing things to support our school and young people.

I also have the most up to date list of extra-curricular activities taking place here at KHS. My thanks to those staff who offer and run these activities.

Our School Improvement Plan, Standards and Quality Report and Pupil Equity Fund Plans have now been finalised and are available on our school website. Thank you to all for their feedback on this.

Finally, the first tracking report for learners in S4-6 will go live on Progress / Didbook next week. Further information about when and how to access will be shared with you next week.

Best wishes,

Chris McKay


27 September 2024

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