Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 21/9/18

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to the weekly update from KHS. I hope that you are looking forward to the weekend.

This week we held yeargroup assemblies. For S1 the main theme was our forthcoming outdoor education experience at Fordell Firs, which takes place next week. For S3 we shared plans for next week’s “Employability Week” and explained how a “tweak” to course choices might be possible just prior to the October break.

On Tuesday, I joined our LGBT+ Group in Edinburgh to deliver Equalities Training for Edinburgh’s Headteachers (Primary and Secondary). It’s nice to be recognized as leading the way and I have to say that I was immensely proud of our students. They really are outstanding ambassadors, so articulate in promoting the cause of equality. The group is attending Dundee Pride tomorrow. Also on Tuesday, our Higher Politics and Advanced Higher French students attended an event with Sir Kier Starmer, the Shadow Brexit Secretary. This was very a very useful discussion from a coursework perspective, and it’s also the hottest political topic of the day.

Yesterday, our “Learning Council” took part in a consultation about a Young People’s Sexual Health Conference which is planned for June 2019. We are working with NHS Fife to develop a new way of delivering health advice for young people.

Today, among other things going on, Miss Collins (Head of Home Economics), is having a meeting of young people who are interested in taking part in the Rotary Club “Young Chef” Competition. This is an exciting event which will involve preparing a meal at Fife College … judged much in the style of “Masterchef”. We have also signed up for the Rotary “Youth Speaks” Competition. Round 1 takes place in KHS in early November with the UK final in Nottingham next May. More information on this public speaking competition soon.

Looking ahead, it’s our S3 “Employability Week” next week. Many thanks to Mrs Davidson and Miss Malcolm, who have planned a varied schedule with workplace visits, guest speakers, Skills Development Scotland sessions and themed lessons in different subject areas. This includes such diverse inputs as an Army team building exercise to a talk from Jacquie Low, the Chair of Partick Thistle. Jacquie is a former pupil of KHS and has had a highly successful business and media career.

Also next week, we’ll be delivering a presentation on “Respect for Self” for all pupils in order to help us understand shared expectations. When everyone understands how we should always try to go about things, it’s easier to learn together. This is happening on Monday morning. On Tuesday, Mr Farquharson has arranged a UCAS university sign up session for S6 during periods 1 and 2.

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, our First Years are at Fordell Firs Outdoor Centre for a team building and adventure education experience. Activities include climbing, caving, archery etc and we have each of our three Houses out on a different day. Fordell is the national Scouts Outdoor Centre and it’s near Dunfermline.

Also out and about from Wednesday are our Advanced Higher Geography students, who at a Fieldwork Centre at Kindrogan, Perthshire. Also on the Wednesday, I’ll be representing Fife Headteachers at the National “Adverse Childhood Experiences” (“ACES”) Conference at the “Armadillo” in Glasgow. The main speaker is the world renowned expert Dr Nadine Burke Harris from San Francisco and I’ll be joined by Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes (S4), who have been involved in developing Fife’s own “ACES” film called “Be That Person”. After school, our “First Chances” students are part of a tutorial with St Andrews University.

Next Thursday evening, KHS LGBT+ group will be delivering training for Fife Children’s panel members at a session in Glenrothes and on the Friday, we will post home the “Settling In Report” for the new S1.

Next week’s menu is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Macaroni Cheese, chips, vegetables

Tuesday: Tomato soup, Roast Chicken, baby boiled potatoes, broccoli

Wednesday: Minestrone soup, Pork sausage casserole, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: French onion soup, Red Thai Chilli Beef, noodles and vegetables

Friday: Leek and potato soup, Breaded fish/Steakbake, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 44p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer.

Rights Respecting Schools Group

Rights Respecting Schools Group

Perhaps you saw a couple of stories in the Fife Free Press this week? There was a piece on our UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award, including a photograph of our group, so well led by Miss Ashby, with David Torrance MSP (photo). There was also a story about our new link with Mark Fleming, a Scottish author. After a successful application to the Scottish Book Trust, Mark will be our “Author in Residence” for the year ahead. We are very pleased to be one of only nine schools across Scotland to be selected for this scheme and I must thank Miss Cunningham (PT Equity in Literacy) for the work she has done to secure Mark’s services.

Looking ahead, Tuesday 2 October is our S3 Parent/Carer Evening and will be using the online booking system again. This allows you to log on to a website to pick your slots. The system should be ready to access from next Tuesday afternoon and I’ve asked Mrs Hamilton to put out a “Groupcall” message with instructions on Tuesday. We used this system at the end of last session and it was well evaluated by parents and carers.

Also that afternoon (Tuesday 2 October) between 2pm and 3 pm we are a holding our own “Doors Open” event which is being supported by “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” to mark 60 years of KHS on Dunnikier Way. We are inviting all interested members of the Kirkcaldy community, especially former pupils, to come in to the school to be shown around by Prefects. It could be a chance to reminisce, see what has changed …. and what hasn’t. We expect to run small group tours of perhaps 4 or 5 people that afternoon, each tour lasting 20-30 minutes. FoKHS are publicizing the event with members and I’ll ask the Fife Free Press to publicise it too. All parents/carers are also welcome. If you want to know more, please call 01592 583405 and ask for Mrs Davidson. Otherwise, you are welcome to drop in between 2 and 3pm on Tuesday 2 October.

Please do come along to our “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” fund raising Race Night on November 2. We are indebted to FoKHS for all their support, which includes sponsoring young people to take part in school activities and trips as well as purchasing equipment for the school. You’ll appreciate that at a time when funding is tight, this in invaluable.

Finally, good luck and many thanks to Miss Catherine Chen (English), who is leaving KHS today to study for a Masters Degree in International Education at Cambridge University. Miss Chen has been a highly valued member of staff here for two years and we wish her well in her new direction.

Best wishes to you too.

Derek Allan


21 Sept 2018

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