Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 13/09/24

Welcome to this weeks Rector’s Log.

The week that’s been…

Another really busy, but productive week here at KHS!

On Monday, we had a group of senior learners take part in the first of a two-day training programme as Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP). MVP is a peer mentoring programme that gives young people the chance to explore and challenge the attitudes, beliefs and cultural norms that underpin all forms of gender-based violence in our society. Our learners had the opportunity to challenge stereotypical behaviours through discussion, supported to lead learning around these issues, culminating in delivering a lesson to their peers on Wednesday, the second day of training. Our MVP ambassadors will support across the school, and will support our Guidance team to deliver lessons to other year groups in the school across the session. We wish them well and thank Mr Farquharson, Mrs Dempsey and Jayne Preece (PSO) for supporting the group and delivering the training.

On Monday, we also welcomed Dr Craig Martin to KHS. Dr Martin is our link Quality Improvement Officer (QIO) and will help support and challenge KHS over the session.

As ever, there have been a range of visits and activities that you can read all about through our school website and blog.

On Thursday, Mrs Hamilton (Year Head S3) and I visited S3 classes, checking in on their learning and ensuring that we continue to work hard and follow our uniform standards. S3 were working hard and looking very smart in their uniform.

Today, Mrs Hume (Year Head S4) and I visited S4 classes in Maths and English. As ever, it is great to meet with our learners, find out what they are learning and check in. Most were working incredibly hard. I would continue to ask for your ongoing support with uniform as some had that Friday feeling…

Today we also had our school nurse team at break with a stall at the War Memorial area, sharing information for suicide prevention week which was the national focus this week.

A wee update from Ms Black:

“A productive week in Supported Learning. It is a pleasure seeing so many of our learners taking up the opportunity of training with Raith Rovers coaches and we are quite the upskilled team. We look forward to continuing training across sports and competing at a Regional and National level through the year. Dates to follow!

We also have a lot of learning in the community with learners attending College with increasing independence, we are so proud of you and how you represent us, a number of qualifications being worked towards around independent living and travel and using local community knowledge. Also, our Outdoor Learning programme.

In the building, S1 have earnt their Bunsen Burner licenses down in our Science labs, S2s invited me to a challenge around Scottish geography and in our multi-composite SLD4 there were great planning sessions and reflections on next steps in our learning and links to real life goals. So much ownership, motivation, engagement and excitement.

Thank you to those that emailed regards special events and dates, such as World Smile Day, that are important in your family and that we can mark or celebrate with you. We want to learn what is important to you. Please contact us.

Best wishes for a good weekend from Supported Learning and look forward to seeing everyone Monday.

Please read the letter outlining our approach to Learner Voice and Family Engagement. Over the course of the session, you may receive an email or message informing you that your child(ren) are involved in one of the many leadership / focus groups. I hope this information is helpful to you.

And finally, please see our House Point totals for the week and session so far:

This weeks total:

Adam Smith – 286
Carlyle – 196
Oswald – 156

  • Adam Smith – 286
  • Carlyle – 196
  • Oswald – 156

Overall total:

  • Adam Smith – 1126
  • Carlyle – 978
  • Oswald – 920

Well done to all!

The week ahead…

Next week we have SNSA taking place for learners in S3, S2 Dig and S6 convention on the school calendar.

We are also looking forward to welcoming S4 Parents / Carers to KHS for the Information evening organised by Mrs Hume (S4 Year Head). There is lots of important information and supports to share with you. I hope you can make it!

Next Friday we host the first locality staff professional learning afternoon across all 4 Kirkcaldy High Schools. Colleagues have the opportunity to choose a session that best aligns with their professional learning and interest. The session run 2pm – 3.30pm and each school will host a session.

A reminder to parents / carers of our S1 that there will be a curricular information evening on English and Mathematics on Thursday 26th September at 6pm. Mrs Gibb sent a letter to you about this and I would ask if you could complete the link if you are able to come along.

Lastly, we are having some technical issues with the company that provide our reports. This will lead to a delay in families receiving reports for all year groups. Mrs Hume will email families with an update on this next week. Apologies for the delay which is out with our control.

I hope you and your family have a great weekend.

Best wishes,

Chris McKay


13 September 2024

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