Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Kirkcaldy High School Logo

Rector’s Log 21/03/25

Dear Parent / Carer,

Welcome to this weeks Rector’s Log. I hope you and your family are doing well!

The week that’s been…

​Whilst the countdown to the Easter break may be on for some, life in school continues to move at pace.

On Tuesday, we welcomed families of S3 for the last parent / carer evening of this session. The evening was well attended and lots of good learning conversations taking place. Thank you to everyone who attended.

Across the week, I have been in and out of several classes, speaking to young people and hearing about some of the fabulous work that they are undertaking. It has also been great to speak with some of our young people who have achieved qualifications and are looking at their next steps after school, with college places now being confirmed for some – from Hair and Beauty to apprenticeships and young people taking on courses in plumbing, electricians and construction. A massive well done to all for their successes.

As you will be aware, one of our key priorities is improving attendance in KHS. Working with families, colleagues across the school and partners, we have made a great deal of progress on this over the session. As we approach the last 2 weeks before the Easter break, I would ask for your continued support in ensuring that young people continue to attend school and classes. We have noticed a small dip this week, but we are hoping for a strong couple of weeks before the holiday. Thank you, as ever, for your continued support.

As always, you can read more about all the goings on in our blog.

A wee update from Ms Black and our Supported Learning department:

On Thursday afternoon learners and families who will add College to their learning next year met to hear more about what this will look like.  There was more excitement than nerves from our young folk and many excited faces at the prospect of this next step.  We are so proud of your attitude to developing your independence and next steps in lifelong learning.  Many thanks to Diane Hammill from Fife College and Sandy McIntosh, KHS’ very own, for your presentation and wise words.  

S1’s Spanish lesson with Miss Thomson saw a food tasting session.  Everyone tried something new which is a great thing to do and the description language and thoughts around some new flavours and textures was great to hear.  In their Geography lesson with Mr Broadway, they created a river in a bottle, please see our photos.  

Following a pupil request to organise a tournament, learners in S2 hosted a noughts and crosses competition open to the whole department.  After many rounds and some great sportsmanship and peer support a tense final was held between Nathan and Ruthie with Ruthie being declared SLD Champion.  Well done Ruthie and well done Jamie and team for organising this.  

Finally, today is a very special day: World Down Syndrome Day.  We have been learning more about DS, learning some very special personal stories and celebrating unique awesomeness.  Thank you to Ruthie and her family for trusting us with your personal journey, developing our learning and sharing celebrations with us.  Mismatching and colourful socks symbolising the extra chromosome were worn by many in KHS today and you can see us rock our socks.  

House Point totals for the week and session so far are as below:

This weeks total:
Adam Smith – 150
Carlyle – 265
Oswald – 319

Overall total:
Adam Smith – 2775
Carlyle – 2988
Oswald – 3171

Well done to all!

The week ahead…

Next week, we manage to catch a breath with young people continuing their learning across the curriculum as we lead up to the last week.

Next week will be the last Rector’s log for this term. We will issue an end of term letter on the last day of term.

Future notice: School will finish on Friday 4th April 2025 at 1.05pm for all young people. This will be a non-uniform day for all. We will have our annual leavers (house) assemblies on Thursday 3rd April and young people in S4-6 will have an assembly on Friday 4th April with Mrs Davidson and Ms Maloney (SQA Chief Invigilator) in preparation for the upcoming SQA exams.

I hope you and your family have a great weekend!

Best wishes,

Chris McKay
21 March 2025

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