Dear Parent / Carer,
Happy New Year and welcome to the first Rector’s Log of this term. I hope you and your family are keeping well!
The week that’s been…
It has been a great first week back at KHS after the festive period. It is always great to welcome back our young people and hear the many things they have been involved in over the festive break.
On Monday, I went around all classes to wish all our learners and staff a very Happy New Year. All were happy to be back and looking forward to a very busy term ahead.
On Wednesday, we held welcome back assemblies for all year groups in the hall. The theme of the assemblies was centred around mental health and well-being and was an opportunity to share with young people the supports that are in place in school through our Well-being Padlet, as well as emphasizing the 5 keys to success mental well-being.
As ever, you can read more about all the goings on in our blog.
A wee update from Ms Black and our Supported Learning department:
“Great to be back with the team after the Festive break, lovely to see everyone. Straight back into a productive week of learning with SLD2 working hard on revising times tables and division. “I have noticed a pattern!” (NH) “I have found a different way of getting the same answer” (ZH). We have also started making characters for filming using different camera angles and techniques in media studies. Z said “I can’t wait to design my character.” I can’t wait to see it!
Our seniors in SLD4 and 5 continue to work hard on their qualifications. They have started to learn about Chinese New Year and Rabbie Burns and are investigating both cultural celebrations and their significance in the cultures.
Our S1 have been working on similes and metaphors this week and have a great grasp of these…and a great imagination! They have been working on their money skills in Maths and have chosen Spanish as their next language to learn.
Learners in S2, S4 and S5 have completed their mock course choices and across the year groups we have had individual discussions regards their next steps in learning. Copies of next steps are on their way home to you and we look forward to discussing these with you.”
House Point totals for the week and session so far are as below:
This weeks total:
Adam Smith – 17
Carlyle – 45
Oswald – 15
Overall total:
Adam Smith – 2155
Carlyle – 2268
Oswald – 2247
Well done to all!
We have an application form for Police Scotland Youth Volunteers. Detail of this as follows: Applications are now open for young people 13 – 15 years of age to join the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers in Levenmouth. We are actively recruiting for our Levenmouth Group, to find out more or wish to apply, contact us for the email address. Closing date for applications is Friday 31st January.
Lastly, Ms Steedman has asked me to share 2 forms with you to gather your views about how we can support learners who are undertaking their SQA Examinations and assessments over the coming months, including assessment diets in school. Please click on the link relevant to your child(ren) to complete:
The week ahead…
Next week, Friends of Kirkcaldy High meet online on Tuesday 14th January at 7pm.
On Wednesday, we host our S2 Parent / Carer evening here at KHS. This takes place between 4.30pm and 7.30pm. We look forward to welcoming families of S2 in to discuss their child(ren)’s progress in learning.
I hope you have a restful weekend after the first full week back at school / work!
Best wishes,
Chris McKay
10 January 2025