Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 22/11/24

Dear Parent / Carer,

Welcome to this weeks Rector’s Log. I hope you and your family are keeping well!

The week that’s been…

We have a lot of exciting events and activities going on in KHS this week.

On Tuesday we held our careers fayre with lots of employers, colleges, universities and other agencies in attendance. S4-6 attended over the course of the afternoon, with families and young people attending after school. It was great to see and hear the buzz in the room, with many young people actively taking part in discussions with all in attendance. Many of the stalls commented on the very positive experience with our young people and how insightful their discussions had been. Massive thank you to Mr McCowan for organising and all the contributors on the day.

On Wednesday, we held our annual speedy STEM event for S3. This was an opportunity for young people in S3 to speak to a range of people who work in or contribute to a STEM based profession. Although I was unable to attend, Dr Murray, Mrs Hamilton and our young people were full of praise for the day and the positive contributions made by all. A huge thank you to Dr Murray for organising and supporting this worthwhile event.

On Thursday, our cluster schools held a dance event for their young people in our assembly hall. It was fantastic to have our cluster schools in KHS and to see the fun and enjoyment of the young people throughout the event. I know that all cluster Head Teachers were full of praise for the positive contribution made by the children. I know that the atmosphere was electric when I popped in to see how it was going.

We also held our first family engagement evening with Parents / Carers and young people of our prospective S1s for next session attending our P7 open evening. Families were able to take part in a series of 5 class events, from English and Maths, to Science, HWB, the Arts and many more areas, touring the school as they went from class to class. It was a really enjoyable evening and a great opportunity for early transition discussions and familiarisation of the school. Thank you to all who attended. Special thanks to our amazing staff team for helping to organise and lead the events. Thank you also to Mrs Gibb for organising and making sure we kept to time!

Lastly, we held assemblies over Thursday and Friday with year groups. We continue to support the UNCRC and ensure that Rights is a central element to our school. The focus for the assemblies was around article 24 – Health, Water, Food, Environment. This was also an opportunity to share with young people in S2/4/5 information about the upcoming mock course choice process and for S4-6 about assessments and SQA matters.

As ever, you can read about all the goings on in our blog.

House Point totals for the week and session so far are as below:

This weeks total:
Adam Smith – 29
Carlyle – 54
Oswald – 62

Overall total:
Adam Smith – 1988
Carlyle – 2004
Oswald – 2027

Well done to all!

A wee update from Ms Black and SLD this week:

“In Supported Learning this week our Horticulture Seniors have been looking at building a creation station and one of our learners is the Foreman on the project, great to see him leading this.  In SLD2 they are learning about the Wars of Independence and there is a fantastic animation being created showing their learning around the Battle of Stirling Bridge.  Check out the photos on our Socials and look forward to sharing the film in due course!  We also welcomed families to both the main school P7 Family event and our Supported Learning event, lovely to have new faces joining us and we look forward to getting to know you over the next few months.”

The week ahead…

​Next week, our assessment window opens for young people in S4-6, with young people in S4 taking part in formal assessments in the assembly hall. A timetable has already been shared with families and young people but is available on our school website also.

We also have a parent / carer information session on Tuesday 26th November 6pm – 7pm here at KHS. This session is aimed at parents / carers of S1 and is an opportunity to share information and ask questions around Social Education classes on consent and body image. If you wish to attend, please contact us.

I hope you manage to stay safe and warm with Storm Bert on the way!

Best wishes,

Chris McKay


​22 November 2024

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