Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Pork or vegan sausages with chips.
S3 STEM Event (Miss Irvine)
If you are invited to attend the STEM event today, you should have received a slip with your allocated time on it during tutor this week. If you did not receive your slip and you need a reminder of the group that you are in, a list of names can be found on the noticeboard at reception. Pupils in group A will attend from 09:25 – 11:45am and group B will attend from 12:00 – 2:45pm, you will have break and lunch as normal during these sessions. Please come along to the library at your allocated time.
S6 Mentors/Study Buddy (Mrs Little)
A list of S6 pupils who signed up to support the Inclusion HUB and Study Buddy programmes have been put in the Prefect Base. We are holding a training night on Tuesday 18 June, 3:30-4:15pm in the Inclusion HUB. If you are not able to attend or no longer wish to be part of the programme, please let Mrs Little, Mr Geissler or Mrs Kendrick know.
Book Fair (Mr Wadsworth)
Looking for your first new read of the summer? The Scholastic Book Fair has arrived at KHS for one week only! Come to B23 at breaks and lunchtimes to see what we have on the shelf, cheaper than in store, and earns some money for your school.

Sports Day (Miss Kirkwood)
Sports day has been re-scheduled for Friday 14 June period 6 & 7. If you are competing please come to P.E at 1.30pm to get changed and registered. Parents/carers are welcome to spectate.
Edinburgh Pride – Saturday 22 June (Dr Murray) 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
There is an opportunity to go to Edinburgh Pride this year. We will take part in the march, as well as explore the stalls, and Youth Zone. EVERYONE is welcome at a Pride, whether you identify as LGBT+, or not. See Dr M in A4 if you’re interested!
Double Bass/Bass Guitar/Cello Lessons (Ms Radke-da-Silva)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
LGBT+ Group (Dr Murray)
The LGBT+ Group meets on Tuesday lunchtime in A4 (Dr Murray’s room in Science). It is a social space open to EVERYONE whether you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, any other identity, or an ally of the community. See Dr Murray for a pass if you want to come. Bring your lunch!
Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Chicken or vegetable korma with rice and naan bread.
Guitar Lessons (Mr Irwin)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Rights Respecting Schools Group & Ambassadors (Ms Young)
Remember we will be meeting today to work on all the exciting ideas you have come up with, B14 at 1:15pm – come and collect a pass if you don’t already have one.
Guitar Club (Mr Irwin)
Guitar club will run today at lunchtime in the Music department.
Flute Group (Mrs Clark)
Flute Group will be on every Wednesday lunchtime in the Music Department.
Equality Group (Dr Murray)
The KHS Equality Group meets every Wednesday lunchtime in A4. Anyone who is interested in any aspect of equality is welcome whether it be age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. See Dr Murray for a pass. Bring you lunch!