Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Italian chicken meatballs with penne pasta or Quorn fajitas.
S4 and S5 Coursing (Mr Farquharson)
S4 Coursing takes place today and S5 Coursing tomorrow. All appointments are in the IT Hub next to C4. Appointment times are in tutor folders and have been put up on the cabinets across from the guidance base. Check your time, take a picture to remember and ensure you attend. You must go even if you plan to leave at Summer. Anyone absent will be seen later in the week.
Drum Lessons (Mrs Duckett)
There are no drum lessons on today.
S1 Football (Mr Pennel)
Our game vs Capshard tomorrow has been cancelled. Training will be on as normal tomorrow after school.
S1 First Chances (Mr Geissler)
Could all S1 pupils involved in the First Chances programme meet in Mr Geissler’s room B2 at break time today (Monday). It is essential you attend to get information about the next event!
S1&2 Girls (Mrs Steedman)
Can all girls wanting to play in next weeks tournament, please attend a meeting at break time today in the girls’ gym for details.
Thermal Insulation Apprenticeship – Kaefer (Mrs Davidson)
Please see the link below for more information. Please apply via Indeed using the following link: Kaefer Jobs in Scotland |
KAEFER Thermal Insulation Apprenticeships (1)
Fife Council Apprenticeships (Mrs Davidson)
Advert for the following apprenticeships will be going live on Fife Council jobs on Monday 12 February with a closing date of 28 February. Apply here:
- HGV Mechanics
- Gardeners
- Arborists
Fife College Open Days (Mrs Davidson)
Fife College will be hosting Campus Open Days at the end of March 2024. Please see link to our website, which includes a Programme of Events for each Campus – Open Days 2023 (

S6 Yearbooks (Miss Lipton)
Reminder that full payment for the S6 Yearbook should be made before Friday 1 March. These are £20 each… please pay via iPayimpact or at the Office.
Chess Club (Dr Black)
Chess club runs Monday lunchtimes in A6, 1:10-1:40pm. Beginners to Grand masters welcome. Collect a lunchtime pass from Dr Black if you would like to come along.
Anime and Manga Club (Miss Kelsey)
Anybody interesting in watching, drawing, and/or reading anime and manga, can now attend the anime and manga club every Monday lunchtime in B29.
Basketball & Badminton Club (Mr Harrower)
Basketball and Badminton clubs will run on Monday afterschool in the Games Hall from 3:15-4:15pm. All pupils in S1-S6 welcome.
S6 Yearbook (Miss Lipton)
The Yearbook Committee will meet Monday’s after school in D9 from 3:15pm.
S4-S6 Study Support for Classical Studies (Mrs Brown)
A reminder this is on 3:15-4:15pm for all N5 pupils and Highers pupils.
Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Pulled pork or pulled jack fruit with rice and pitta bread.
Double Bass/Bass Guitar/Cello Lessons (Ms Radke-da-Silva)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
LGBT+ Group (Dr Murray)
The LGBT+ Group meets on Tuesday lunchtime in A4 (Dr Murray’s room in Science). It is a social space open to EVERYONE whether you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, any other identity, or an ally of the community. See Dr Murray for a pass if you want to come. Bring your lunch!
KHS Glee Choir (Mrs Duckett & Mr Wilkie)
KHS Glee Choir will run after school, 3:15pm – 4:15pm in E10. No auditions, anyone who is interested in trying out singing in a show choir is welcome! Songs from all musicals – Disney, Rock, Juke-Box, Book, Class covered! Please see Mrs Duckett for more information.
S2-S3 Netball (Mrs Little)
Netball will run on a Tuesday in the Games Hall from 3:15-4:15pm. Open to all!
Dance Club (Miss Johnston)
Dance club will be on every Tuesday after school from 3:15-4:15pm. Please head to the PE base after school.
S4-S6 Art & Design and Fashion & Textiles Study Support (Mrs Donaldson)
Runs on Tuesdays, 3:15 – 4:30pm in D15.
Biology Study Support (Miss Irvine)
Biology study support for all levels will take place after school every Tuesday from 3:20 – 4:20pm in A1.
N5 Music Study Support (Mrs Clark)
This will run every Tuesday after school, 3:15-4:15pm.